

日期:2021年10月14日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1074
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202109271318507420 论文字数:39956 所属栏目:农业经济论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis



1.1 Background and significance of the study

1.1.1 Background of the study

The effectiveness of the Poverty Alleviation Strategy has drawn international attention,and it has since evolved into a global structure that can serve as a valuable guide for theworld's poorest countries. Although substantial progress has been made in povertyalleviation, the sector has entered a sprint era in which difficult challenges must be overcome.

In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the Poverty Alleviation Strategy in specificcountries, two countries’ situation was analyzed and compared in this report, namely Chinaand Gabon. China was the first country to meet the United Nations' goal of halving extremepoverty. However, despite the country's rapid economic growth, more than 70 million peoplecontinue to live in poverty. According to international standards, the number of people livingin severe poverty in China was about 7% of the global poor population in 2015. On thecontrary, Gabon was ranked 123rd out of 177 countries in the 2005 World Report on HumanDevelopment. Despite the profit from the exportation of oil, mines, and timber, Gabon stillregisters an excessive number of poor people who need human investment.

Poverty in both countries is caused by several factors. In order to improve the livingstandard of their people, each country adopts a series of measures with the aim to reduce thepoverty. In recent years, there has been a lot of research on the relationship between financialgrowth and poverty reduction from both theoretical and empirical perspectives. Financedevelopment, according to research, helps reducing poverty by promoting economic progress.

1.1.2 Poverty definition

Poverty, according to the Encyclopedia Americana, can be characterized in two ways:"moneyless ness" and "powerlessness." Moneylessness entails not only a lack of cash, butalso a persistent scarcity of services of all kinds to meet basic human needs such as nutrition,rest, and shelter. People who lack opportunities and options, and whose lives seem to bedominated by powers and individuals beyond their influence – either by people in positionsof authority or by perceived evil forces or bad luck – are said to be powerless. According tothe UNDP, "Poverty is not a one-dimensional problem - a shortage of income that can befixed sectorally".


1.2 Main objectives of the study

1.2.1 Problem statement

Poverty is a global problem that has significant implications for humanity. It can bedefined as a multi-faceted phenomenon with no widely agreed-upon meaning. For example,its economic dimension focuses on the extent and magnitude of material deprivations facedby the poor, which distinguishes them from non-poor citizens. Poverty is a multi-faceted,dynamic phenomenon that cannot be reduced to its monetary manifestation (that is, to aninsufficient level of economic resources to live decently). These findings suggest thatpolicies aimed at increasing economic growth and improving access to credit would reducepoverty but also that measures of poverty reduction would lead to economic growth andfinancial deepening in these countries.

Therefore, the research question that leads this study is: what are the effects ofsocioeconomic and financial policies on poverty reduction in China and Gabon?

1.2.2 Research hypothesis

Poverty represents a challenge faced by many countries around the world. This is thereason why the poverty reduction policies have been advocated by the United Nations andmany countries worldwide have been engaged in the fight against poverty. It is the case forChina and Gabon.

Poverty in countries is multi-causal, induced by their resources, economic situation,political governance, demography, and even certain natural causes. Therefore, the povertyreduction policies consider all these approaches to efficiently eradicate po