From the comparison between the poverty reduction strategies of China and Gabon, itresulted in that:
1. For the case of China, it appeared that the "Targeted Poverty Alleviation" planproposed by President Xi, encouraging the government and local officials to focus on theneeds of individuals and households rather than whole villages, assisted by the integration ofrural areas' people in urban areas and developing hubs of the country, the donations fromfinancial institutions and the implementation of the Belt and Road initiative significantlycontributed to boost the economic development of the country and thus reduce the povertyon the national level. Besides, the anti-corruption campaign also helped to regulate the goodfunctioning of institutions. However, the aging of the population may constitute an obstacleto this good performance.
2. For the case of Gabon, it appeared that the Strategic Plan for an Emerging Gabon(PSGE: Plan Stratégique Gabon Emergent), the Infrastructure Development Program, andthe Education project associated with Bank assistance are programs aiming at boosting theeconomic development of the country through the contribution of different sectors other thanthe oil exploitation sector. They constitute the main poverty reduction strategies of thecountry. These programs are relevant as they open the way for a post-oil era in Gabon and adiversification of the country's economy, which is currently mainly based on oil exploitationand exportation. However, social inequalities and youth unemployment remain the mainobstacles contributing to the stagnation of the country's economy and add to the poverty inthe country.