

日期:2021年11月30日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:734
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202111191131167541 论文字数:52555 所属栏目:新闻学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis



1.1 Introduction to the new media’s column

The transediting column “Yu Wai Jing Xun” or “Overseas Perspectives” of theWeC hat official account “Media Opinions” or “Mei Yi Jian”, first set up in December2019, is co-organized by Guangdong Radio and Television station’s “South ChinaTelevision Journal”, and the transediting groups from Guangdong University ofForeign Studies and Guangdong University of Finance. The column is directed byprofessors and teachers from the two universities, serving to interpret and analyze theproblems, solutions and future trends of the foreign media industry, so as to providepractical experience and inspiration for Guangdong Radio and Television Station. Andthat means, when doing transediting for the column “Overseas Perspectives” of theWeC hat official account “Media Opinions”, transeditors need to consider more aboutthe aspect of practicality, instead of simply repeating the information in a differentlanguage.


1.2 Introduction to the original texts

Compared with traditional media, trans-edited news reports in new media platformsboast greater diversity in its sources, including media reports, website news, features,and videos, among other forms, thus making space for more voices to be heard.

Because the transediting column focuses on media, mostly the latesttechniques and technologies used in the media industry, only the valuable or relatedcontents in each source article will be extracted, translated, and edited, to make thesubject clearer and the final outcome more readable. Therefore, for each post, three ormore sources will be needed.

At the beginning of the transediting activity, the author will go to a large number ofchannels to search for the latest news and decide a topic, and then dig deep for morerelated information and at the same time confirm the authenticity of the materials bycomparing the information offered in different places. After that, texts from three orfour platforms will be selected as the major sources and written in the draft.

When selecting a source, not only authoritative ones (e.g., Reuters Institute,Digiday, and Variety) are favored by the author, and other platforms that offerdifferent opinions are also considered. Here are some of the source websites of thetrans-edited news posts:


2.1 Pre-transediting preparation

2.1.1 The fundamental requirement for a transeditor

The information given in the transeditor’s job descriptions and other qualifications,together with different scholars’ definitions of news transediting, indicates that first, atranseditor would better have some journalism-related skills, such as news writing.According to Zhang (2013), many scholars perceive translation through a lens ofcommunication and journalism, and particularly, news translation has certaincharacteristics of communication, thus requiring translators to have good journalismskills and knowledge. Additionally, a transeditor needs to be familiar with the culturesand customs of the target region (Schrijver, Vaerenbergh & Waes 2012), while at thesame time paying attention to the hot issues both at home and abroad. And most of all,transediting requires great language skills, especially translation, expression, andcommunication. In a digital context, news transeditors also need to have sufficientknowledge of new media platforms, such as the basic features of WeC hat, amongother things. Huang (2002) points out in Translation Variation Theory that comparedwith translators, generally, transeditors need to invest more time and energy oninformation selection, structure analysis of the original texts and reader's needs,consistency of topics, macro-organization and micro-adjustment of the target texts,etc.

In the first year of post-graduate studies, the author had transediting classes,which not only taught the bas