论文用途:职称论文 Thesis for Title
摘 要:有效的危机管理和灾后旅游业振兴在于“高度关注”理念的导入与“精准信息”传播策略的实施;客观研究不难发现SARS危机管理中出现的所有问题几乎都直接和传播的有效性、精准性相关;深入分析又不难发现这些问题和现象的出现和存在又都归结于那些危机传播管理参与者对公众利益的“冷漠Low Touch”。世界旅游组织发布的《旅游业危机管理指南》反复强调了旅游业危机管理中诚信透明的重要,有效传播的意义;高度关注在于迅速恢复政府、组织、媒体、民间的诚信,关注社会大多数民众利益,建设高效率的信息交换、分析机制,对现行的、未来的、已经的、可能的危机、危机处理策略进行客观、非官僚、无党派色彩的专业记录、研究、预测,沟通、发布。精准传播是实现高度关注的关键:分层次、依据公众群体个体特点进行个性化传播,利用新媒体联系每个社会最活跃的个体,恰当把握信息传播的时机、频度、密度、尺度,与危机之前、危机期间和危机过后三个阶段事态发展保持适度超前的同步传播;识别真正的“舆论领袖”,建立与他们的信任关系和热线联系;利用民间渠道与世界各地、各界的天然联系进行一对一、一对十的亲情化、友情化、人性化、个性化、“High Touch”的精准传播;与国际组织、国际传媒、各国政府组织、各国全国和地方媒体保持热线沟通,密切合作,进行精准信息传播,争得世界的理解和同情,有利于危机后信息发布和传播的延续进行,有利于本地区、全球旅游业整体的持续发展与繁荣。
关键词:危机管理; 高度关注; 精准传播; 旅游振兴
High Touch and Precision Communication In Crisis Management
N· ShortCut
(Beijing International Studies University, 100024, Beijing, PRC)
Abstract: Effective crisis management and revitalization of the tourism industry rely heavily on effective and precision communication; failures and discrepancies in crisis management are the results of “Low Touch” or “Don’t Care” about the benefits of the publics and well being of the members of the international family. WTO suggests in “Crisis Guidelines for the Tourism Industry” “Good communications based on the principles of honesty and transparency is the key to successful crisis management”. “High Touch” means to rebuild credibility of the government, the media, the organization and the citizens; to demonstrate more care and concern about the benefits of the majority; to establish a mechanism to collect, analyze information about the incoming crisis, and to communicate precisely and objectively by targeting to specific groups of publics,making good use of new media and reaching to the young individuals, implementing timeliness communication strategies with appropriate messages, message intensity and frequency before, during and at the end of the crisis; identifying real “opinion leaders”, exchanging ideas with them honestly and never abusing them for “shows”; inviting local residents and visitors, international students, diplomats, etc. to send e-mails or e-cards to their friends around world, informing them the good news about China and the Chinese travel industry; working cooperatively with the international organizations, international media, national organizations and national media by issuing precise and individualized information to win their understanding and sympathy; coordinating promotional communication efforts with them during and after the crisis to revitalize regional and world tourism.
Key Words: Crisis Management;High Touch;Precision Communication;Tourism Revitalization