2.6 Research aim and objectives
The aim of this research is to build on the current level of research to explore the relationship between sustainability and the Circular Economy by considering its impacts on business models and innovation.
Based upon this research aim, the research objectives for this research are therefore:
Objective 1: To examine the similarities and differences between sustainability and the Circular Economy.
Objective 2: To investigate the impacts of sustainability and the Circular Economy on business models and innovation.
Objective 3: To evaluate the relationship between Sustainability and the Circular Economy.
Chapter 3: Methodology
3.1 Research paradigm and assumptions
The selected research paradigm is the interpretivist approach which supports the evaluation and exploration of complex relationships which contain a range of variables (Cresswell and Cresswell 2018; Saunders et al 2016; Bryman and Bell 2015). Interpretivism allows for a range of perspectives to be undertaken and, in the context of this research, supports the range of perspectives which are explored in both the literature review and the findings chapter (Saunders et al 2016; Neuman 2013).
This range of interpretations which form the basis of the interpretivist paradigm are also related to the selected philosophical outlook and assumptions of the researcher (Cresswell and Cresswell 2018). Within this research, these assumptions include both the ontological and epistemological outlook (Cresswell and Cresswell 2018; Saunders et al 2016; Bryman and Bell 2015). The ontological (nature of reality) assumption within the interpretivist paradigm enables the development of multiple meanings which are gathered from the research process and thus require a flexible approach to ensure that these meanings are communicated (Cresswell and Cresswell 2018; Bryman and Bell 2015). The epistemological (validity of knowledge) assumption within the interpretivist paradigm is addresses the potential reductionist approach which may occur if the research is focused upon a specific theory or concept, and thus enables the research to develop different interpretations which can support the creation of new knowledge and a greater understanding of a concept (Cresswell and Cresswell 2018; Neuman 2013). Given the subject matter of this research, and the need to evaluate current levels of understanding and how these can develop new levels of understanding, the ontological and epistemological assumptions within the interpretivist paradigm were selected as the most appropriate research methodology and this was further emphasized by the evaluation of other research methodologies, such as positivism (Saunders et al 2016; Gill and Johnson 2010).
In contrast to interpretivism, positivism undertakes a linear cause and effect approach which seeks to establish a relationship between a small set of variables (Saunders et al 2016; Bryman and Bell 2015). Within the context of this research, the positivist approach can be applied to some areas such as the impact of increased regulation upon businesses and the approach to sustainability (Bryman and Bell 2015; Collis and Hussey 2014). However, the disadvantage of this approach includes its reductionist perspective which would entail ignoring some of the more complex issues such as the differences in the rationale for an increased level of sustainability (Saunders et al 2016; Bryman and Bell 2015). In this context, it was decided that the positivist approach would be too narrow to adequately evaluate and investigate the research aims and objectives.
3.2 Research approach
The research approach will employ an exploratory approach by exploring the general themes of the literature review and drawing out the similarities and differences between sustainability and the Circular Economy and then ex