• Students complete the first version of their work and submit it by 23rd of April, 2011. They also give a 10-15 minute presentation. These will be marked and detailed feedback and suggested about how to improve their work will be given by 4th of May, 2012.
• Taking into account the feedback from the first submission, the students improve their work for final submission by 25th of May, 2012.
Weighting of assessments is as follows:
First submission 40%
Presentation 10%
Final submission 50%
Additional instructions:
• This is an individual assignment. It should be your own work.
• Use this assignment to learn as much as possible about the topics. Marks will be awarded to the breadth and depth of your insights and the critical thinking/evaluation shown in your report.
• Consult a sufficient number of references. Remember 10 % of the assignment mark is awarded for the breadth and appropriateness of sources.
• Summarise your research in your own words. Do NOT copy from other sources.
• If you need to quote from other sources, ensure you make reference to them correctly. You should also avoid large chunks of quotation.
• Respect copyright, do not cut and paste copyright protected graphs and illustrations. If you adopt “free-to-use” illustrations, acknowledge the sources.
• Write no more than 5000 words.
• Diagrams and charts etc. are invaluable; use them with care and properly refer to them in your text. Add appropriate labels and captions.
• Include an electronic copy of your report (on a CD, floppy disks are no longer http://www.51lunwen.org/ukmasster/ supported by the university IT facilities) in your submission.
• Submission should be dated by the University/School submission Reception Desk, your personal e-mail archive can not be used as proof of submission.