

日期:2021年12月30日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:718
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202112171055499767 论文字数:65253 所属栏目:语言学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis


Chapter Ⅰ Introduction

1.1 Research Background

Over the past 40 years, with increasingly rapid advances in the field of modernscience and technology, human society has made rapid progress. However, the increasingprominence of these ecological issues has led to the continuous enhancement of people’secological consciousness, and at the same time an ecological turn has taken place inscientific research, which makes many disciplines ecologized. As Michael Hallidaybelieves, we can change our world through the language we use. That’s why, Ecologicallanguage is an increasingly vital area in applied linguistics. Ecolinguistics emerges as thetimes require, in which ecological discourse analysis (EDA) studies ecological problems inlanguage. After nearly 20 years of development, EDA has formed its own researchparadigm. (The main research contents of ecolinguistics, which are well known inacademic circles, are “Ecology of language” and “Environmental linguistics”. The formeris “Haugen model” and the latter is “Halliday model”.) At present, the study ofecolinguistics under the “Halliday model” in China is also gradually developing, includingsome introductory and evaluative works, such as Fan (2005), Wang (2007), Xin and Huang(2013), Huang (2016), He and Gao (2019) and so on. Broadly speaking, eco-discourseanalysis includes the analysis of the ecological discourse and ecological analysis of thediscourse. The research object of the former is mainly concentrated in the discourse aboutecology, while the latte focuses on ecological factors in all kinds of discourse, which canbe extended to the study of ecological and non-ecological factors in the language system.The model construction of EDA by domestic scholars has also been further developed,such as Huang and Zhao (2017), Zhang (2018), He and Wei (2018), Wei (2019), He andMa (2020), Lei and Miao (2020) and so on.

1.2 Research Significance and Purpose

With the combination of EDA and MDA, this thesis makes a multimodal EDA of thenearly thought-provoking documentary COVID-19:Battling the Devil, aiming to explorethe appraisal attitude, ecological properties and meaning construction of the documentaryand reveal the ecological relationship and ideologies among it.

Theoretically speaking, the particularity of documentary is worth studying as a kindof discourse which is different from other types of films. Its ecological nature lies not onlyin its theme, but also in the ecological relationship constructed in the documentary; itsmultimodal nature lies in that it is produced by the interaction of various symbolicresources, such as language, image, video, background music and so on. For the sake for carrying out multimodal EDA better, this study proposes a theoretical framework formultimodal EDA based on previous studies, which enriched the research topic ofmultimodal discourse analysis of EDA and developed the theoretical framework ofmultimodal EDA.

Practically speaking, documentaries have the warning function of touching people’shearts. How to achieve its warning function through the allocation of a variety of resourceshas naturally become an vital task for environmental documentary producers or hosts in thenew media era. Since the documentary COVID-19:Battling the Devil was broadcast, it hasbeen broadcast 315000 times on Bilibili channel, with a rating of 9.8 points. The highevaluation of the film is due to its successful allocation of multimodal symbol resources.At the same time, what kind of the ecological relationship the film conveys to the audience,and what kind of ideologies implied in the film need to be discussed by multimodalecological discourse analysis. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to study thisshocking documentary.

Chapter Ⅱ Literature Review

2.1 Definition of Key Concepts

The definition of key concepts is fundamental to understanding research. Since the