

日期:2021年12月21日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:943
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202112031245559225 论文字数:45215 所属栏目:语言学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
nbsp; word  “eironeia”.  Various  scholars  have  elaborated  the connotations  of  irony.  For  example,  Grice  (1975)  defines  irony  from  the  pragmatic perspective, and he regards irony as a kind of conversational implicature that expresses something opposite to the literal one. Bryant (2012) deems that irony belongs to indirect language,  which  uses  explicit  language  to  express  the  unstated  and  implicit  meaning. Even though definitions of irony among different studies have subtle nuances, the word itself is generally regarded as a kind of utterance whose literal meaning is opposite to or different from the speaker’s intention (Xu, 2017). 

As a linguistic device, irony has many functions, such as criticizing the hearer by sincere  statements,  showing  the  stinging  satire  on  the  dark  side  of  the  society,  or producing humor to make the language more vivid and interesting.  

Different  classification  criteria  categorize  irony  into  several  types;  for  example, based on the pragmatic function of irony or the intention that irony conveys, irony can be classified into sarcastic irony and kind irony (Hancock et al., 2000; Huang, 2015). 

2.2 Related Theories About Sarcasm Perception

2.2.1 Related Theories About Written Sarcasm Perception

Sarcasm is a common everyday experience in all known cultures; on the other hand, it is a complex language phenomenon that expresses the “unstated, opposing evaluation” with the “explicit evaluative utterance” (Bryant, 2012, p. 673). 

Amounts  of  studies  have  discussed  the  processing  of  written  sarcasm  and  put forward different meaning processing models, such as the echoic reminder theory (Ktruz & Glucksberg, 1989), the allusional pretense theory (Kumon-Nakamura et al., 1995), and the implicit theory (Utsumi, 2000). Until now, these models can be generalized into four pattens: Linear Access Model, Direct Access Model, and Dynamic Construction Model. These  models  discuss  one  essential  question  of  pragmatic  research:  the  function  of context. 

Linear Access Model (Grice, 1975) concludes that sarcasm perception is a linear process. The literal meaning of words is accessed first in an automatic and bottom-up way, and then the implied meaning will be processed. Specifically, Linear Access Model believes that the literal meaning is always be activated first and context functions later; therefore,  the  sarcasm  perception  process  has  three  steps:  literal  meaning  processing, literal meaning refuse, and implied meaning construction. The Standard Pragmatic Model (Grice, 1975; Searle, 1979), the Pretense Theory (Clark & Gerrig, 1984), and the Muting Hypothesis (Dew & Winner, 1995) all support the Linear Access Model. 


Chapter Three Methodology.............................. 26

3.1 The First Part of Experiment 1 ............................... 26

3.1.1 Research Question and Presumption ............................ 26

3.1.2 Stimuli .............................. 27

Chapter Four Results and Discussion ......................... 49

4.1 Results ................................. 49

4.1.1 Results of Selective Bias in NN Group and PP Group .......................... 49

4.1.2 Results of RT ........................ 50

Chapter Five Conclusion ........................... 61

5.1 Major Findings ........................ 61

5.2 Implications ............................. 62

Chapter Four  Results and Discussion

4.1 Results

E-prime  1.0  collected  80  participants’  choices  and  RT  for  each&