

日期:2021年12月15日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:毕业论文 点击次数:1205
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202111301444333795 论文字数:33636 所属栏目:语言学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis


1   Introduction

1.1   Research Background

With  a  great  deal  of  interaction  studies,  researchers  at  home  and  abroad  maintain  that group  interaction  in  second  language  or  foreign  language  classroom  is  of  help  for  learners’ target language proficiency (Xu & Kou[1]). Interactional competence (henceforth IC) represents a  crucial  target  that  measures  learners’  target  language  proficiency.  Kasper[2]  indicates  that conversational  analysis  (henceforth  CA),  a  method  studying  second  language  acquisition (henceforth SLA), is one of several perspectives taking L2 learning as a social practice. She asserts that CA can be applied to the field of SLA.  The  theoretical  definition  of  IC  made  by Kasper[2] is referred in this study. Based on CA research, she modifies the definition of IC with reference  to  studies  of  He  &  Young[3]  and  Young  &  Miller[4].  IC  is  related  to  participants’ ability: to comprehend and produce social actions in their sequential contexts; to take turns at talk in an organized fashion; to format actions and turns, and construct epistemic and affective stance[5], by taking advantage of different types  of semiotic resources  (linguistic, nonverbal, nonvocal), including register-specific resources; to repair problems in the process of speaking, hearing, and understanding; to co-construct social and discursive identities through sequence organization,  actions-in-interaction  and  semiotic  resources[6][7];  to  recognize  and  produce boundaries  between  activities,  including  transitions  from  states  of  contact  to  the  absence  of contact[8][9]. 

CA originates from sociology in the 1960s and it can be widely applied to the branch of linguistics——SLA and language teaching [2] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]. CA stresses that “oral practices” in  our  daily  life  can  be  explained  and  constructed  by  virtue  of  authentic  and  natural conversations[15].  Culture  mediates  oral  practices  and  people  come  together  to  create  and recreate  their  daily  social  lives  in  interaction.  In  addition,  on  basis  of  CA  methodology, “culture” and “non-nativeness” are embodied in the details of interactional conversation among participants. Its framework provides a solid foundation for exploring interaction[10]. Hence, a great many of scholars employ CA to explore IC in the classroom. Different perspectives are used to measure the results of second language acquisition[16][17][18] [19]. At present, studies with regards to IC at home mainly relate to L2 pragmatic competence (Li, 2019[20]), IC as well as CA[21][22],  and  speaking  test[23][24].  Additionally,  Zheng  &  Mao[25]  have  done  a  comparative study of argumentative words used by Chinese and English college students. Yang & Dong[22] have made a literature review for using CA as a method of SLA. More details are as follows: 

1.2   Research Purpose and Significance

This study aims to examine the effectiveness of three CA concepts training on