This paper consists of five chapters.
Chapter 1 briefly introduces the research background, research purpose as well as significance, and the structure of the paper.
Chapter 2 makes a literature review encompassing the significance of interaction, the comparison between pragmatic competence and interactional competence. In regard to studies on IC abroad, this chapter enumerates previous studies on the development of IC. Besides, this chapter summarizes previous studies from different perspectives (e.g. synchronic and diachronic studies). In regard to studies on IC at home, two major studies are listed.
Chapter 3 presents the methodology of this study. First, the measurement of CA concepts and IC in this study is introduced. Also, CA concepts are made into distinct classification, they are, short response tokens, assessments and adjacency pairs. Second, research questions, participants, training materials and training procedures are displayed elaborately. Third, steps of data collection and analysis are explained in detail.
Chapter 4 shows results and discussion of this study. It primarily answers three major research questions as mentioned in chapter 3 and displays research results. Additionally, data are analyzed in order to attest the feasibility and effectiveness of this training.
Chapter 5 is the conclusion of this study, which is composed of major findings, pedagogical implications, limitations and future research.
2 Literature Review
2.1 Key Concepts
2.1.1 Interaction
Interaction is rather crucial to language learning and facilitates intersubjectivity among people. Halliday[27] differentiates seven relevant models of language, they are, instrumental model, regulatory model, interactional model, personal model, heuristic model, imaginative model and representational model. Despite the importance of these models, interactional model is particularly vital for language learners. To put this more concretely, language affects interaction among participants, which can be attested by the relationship between a child and his mother. Importantly, their relationship is mediated by virtue of language. The function of interaction refers to “getting along with others, the “me” and “him” function” [27]. Apart from that, Pica [28] raises ten questions and answers them by himself. On the one hand, from the vantage of comprehension and production in L2 learning, he acknowledges that comprehension is a g