论文用途:本科毕业论文 BA Thesis
摘 要 南河位于成都市城区西南部,穿城而过,河岸两边主要是居民区。南河属于岷江水系,是岷江水系中污染相对比较集中的一部分,污染产生的主要原因多为生活污染。笔者选取南河的清水河桥至安顺廊桥一段,共设立了8个采样点。该段中共有排污口17个。在采样过程中,正在排放污水的排污口有1个,位于第(1)和第(2)采样点之间。分析时采用了12个指标作为水质分析的参数,包括水中常规离子和水中主要污染指标。通过将本次实验的数据与地表水环境质量标准(GHZB1——1999)作对比,得出水中常规离子和硝酸盐氮的含量都达到了地表水环境质量标准的I类标准。但是COD严重超标,每个采样点的COD含量连V类标准都达不到。针对南河的水质现状,提出了一些环境管理与污水治理方面的建议。关键词:南河;水质分析;COD;生活污水 Abstracts The South River locates in the southwest of Chengdu city. There are many residential blocks on both sides of the South River. As a part of the Min River Water System, pollution of the South River is relatively centralized. The major pollution of the South River is Domestic Pollution. We set up 8 sample points from the Qingshuihe Bridge to the Anshunlang Bridge of the South River. There are 17 sinkholes between the Qingshuihe Bridge and the Anshunlang Bridge. A sinkhole between No.1 and No.2 sample points was letting out sewage when we took water samples. 12 indexes, which include water routine ions and major pollution indexes of water, are chosen as the parameters of analysis. Comparing this experiment data with the Surface Water Environment Quality Standard (GHZB1——1999), some information can be obtained. All of the water routine ions and Nitrate Nitrogen content in all sample points reach the I level in GHZB1——1999. However, COD content exceeds standard seriously, even the V level standard that each sample points is unable to be satisfied. On the basis of the current situation of water quality of the South River, some suggestion of environment management and sewage control are recommended. Key words: the South River, Analysis of water quality, COD, domestic sewage