论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
摘 要
On the foundation of brief commentary at the research, development and application about the multi-functional modifying water treatment pharmaceutical and modifying cation starch derivative, The derivative of the lignin, The plain derivative of crust in recent years both at home and abroad relevantly, then develop one kind of new-type starch-modyfied cationnic flocculant through concret experiment.
At 85℃, mix and paste melting certain quantity of starch for an hour. After the drop of temperature, enter N2 openly for about 30 minutes. Then keep the temperature at 45℃ and after adding acyl amine and solid of propylene, adding the cerium ammonium initiator of nitric acid. Now carry on connect a piece of copolymerization reaction for another 3 hours, what we’ll get is called starch acyl amine of propylene modifying thing (SAM). When make preparation for cation connect a piece of copolymer, add certain quantity of Acyl amine of propylene at the same time, after 3 hours reaction we can get certain kind of single mass ratio cation starch acyl amine of propylene modifying thing (C-SAM). Its quality mark is 5%.
It was discussed that synthesis, properties and application of copolymer (SAM,C-SAM) of acrylamide (Am) and starch(St). The results show that the copolymer obtained when the ratio of St and Am was 1∶3(wt),or ratio of Am, St and DADMAC was 1∶4∶0.4 (wt), have high effect of flocculation. When the copolymer was used for white water of papermaking, it has a remarkable effect on flocculation. SAM can get a better result under acid circumstances. C-SAM get little effect by PH value, and get a better flocculation result.
Key words: Naturalpolymer; Cationic flocculation; Wastewater treatment; Starch; SAM; C-SAM
目 录
1 前言 1
2 絮凝剂的定义、分类及作用机理 3
2.1 絮凝剂的定义 3
2.2 絮凝剂的分类 3
2.2.1 金属盐类 3
2.2.2 高分子絮凝剂 5
2.2.3 微生物絮凝剂 8
2.3 絮凝剂的作用机理 9
2.3.1 胶体粒子的性质 9
2.3.2 絮凝剂在水中的组分 10
2.3.3 絮凝剂对胶体粒子的作用 12
2.3.4 絮凝剂作用机理分析 13
3 天然高分子改性阳离子型絮凝剂 15
3.1 淀粉衍生物 16
3.1.1 改性淀粉絮凝剂 16
3.1.2 淀粉接枝共聚物絮凝剂 17
3.1.3 淀粉氧化制备多功能水处理剂 18
3.2 木质素衍生物 18
3.2.1 木质素季铵型阳离子絮凝剂 19
3.2.2 木质素接枝共聚物絮凝剂 19
3.2.3 木质素絮凝剂 19
3.2.4 木质素衍生物絮凝机理研究 21
3.2.5 发展趋势 21
3.3 甲壳素衍生物 22
3.3.1 壳聚糖类 22
3.3.2 羧甲基壳聚糖类 22
3.3.3 甲壳多聚糖类 23
3.4 兼具絮凝作用的植物胶改性多功能水处理剂 23
3.5 天然高分子改性阳离子型絮凝剂的发展展望 23
4 淀粉改性阳离子型絮凝剂的制备 25
4.1 淀粉改性阳离子型絮凝剂分类 25
4.1.1 接技共聚物 25
4.1.2 淀粉醚类 26
4.1.3 淀粉黄原酸酯 27
4.1.4 其它 27
4.3 淀粉改性阳离子型絮凝剂的制备与应用 27
4.3.1实验部分 28
4.3.2 结果与讨论 28
4.3.3 实际应用效果 31
4.3.4 结论 32
4.4 建议 32