

日期:2022年03月16日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:859
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202202232219272654 论文字数:44255 所属栏目:英语语言学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis


Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Research background

The globalization has brought keen competition among all the countries embroiledinto. While the essence of this competition concentrates in the field of economic,technology and talents, and the first two factors also need the contribution of talents.Critical ability, also called reflective ability, is an inevitable quality that a talentperson possesses, pointing out a higher requirement of education. Not only in thedaily life and study, but also in the top higher education of the world, the criticalability is needed to think independently and evaluate, such as Harvard preferringstudents “willing to discover and reflect”, and Cambridge putting “encourage theskeptical spirit” in an important position.

On the one hand, because of the huge amount of information, it is difficult todistinguish the authenticity of information. If we can't analyze complex information,we will be submerged by useless information, deceived by false information, anddominated by other people's views, so if people want to get enough information nomatter for study or for daily need, it’s necessary to screen and distinguish information,and thus to make reasonable thinking and evaluation. In this regard, it is verynecessary for people to have the ability to independently think.

On the other hand, English is currently the global language, and the writtenpublications and academic papers in English account for more than 85% of the total.Therefore, in order to obtain more comprehensive knowledge, the ability to think inEnglish will benefit a lot. When students get the ability of critical thinking, they cannot only obtain subject knowledge, but also think rationally when they encounter some problems. Critical thinking is increasingly recognized by educators in variouscountries. Since the middle of the 20th century, critical thinking research has been ahot topic in western countries. In addition, the cultivation of students' critical thinkingability has been included in the basic goal of western education, since this ability isof great significance to cultivate students' creative ability.

1.2 Purpose and significance of the research

At present, the fierce international competition in actual is the competition ofinnovative and reflective people. China is also following the development trend andactively developing and cultivating innovative and reflective talents. However, thecurrent research focuses on the stage of higher education and lacks the cultivation ofthis ability in the high school stage where the cognitive level is greatly improved,which may lead to missing the critical period for students to develop their reflectiveability. In addition, the domestic research on critical thinking ability mostly focuseson the theoretical aspects of the essence, measurement methods and quantification ofcritical thinking ability, and mode exploration, etc. In view of the shortcomings of thecurrent high school English reading teaching, this paper constructs an empirical studybased on constructivism theory and critical discourse analysis theory to achieve thepurpose of cultivating students' critical thinking. This teaching method has beenverified to be feasible in practice, so it has certain theoretical and practical value.

The purpose of this study is, firstly, to investigate whether critical readingaffects the reading proficiency of high school students. The conclusion of thisproblem will be obtained by analyzing and quantifying the data collected in theexperiment. Secondly, to explore to what extent the critical reading teachinginfluences students’ critical thinking ability. This question will be analyzed throughthe results of the critical thinking ability test. Third, to what extent the critical readingteaching influences students’ use of the reading strategy, t