

日期:2022年01月24日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1157
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202201062115434067 论文字数:35666 所属栏目:英语语言学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
ss that tends to accept new members[16]. In the similar vein, based on LLC, Paradis[14] analyzes the semantic and collocational features of intensifiers. It is proved that proper collocations of intensifiers and  adjectives  require  taking  the  consideration  of  gradability  of  adjectives  and maximizers[14].  

3   THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ................................... 14

3.1   Unidirectionality in Semantic Change ................................. 14

3.2   Constructionalization and Constructional Change ................................ 15

3.3   Context of Culture and Context of Situation ............................. 15 

4   METHODOLOGY ....................................... 18

4.1   Research Methods ............................................. 18

4.1.1   Synchronic and Diachronic Approaches ..................................... 18

4.1.2   Comparative and Contrastive Approaches .................................. 18


5.1   Responsive Functions of Freestanding Maximizers ..................... 21

5.1.1   Confirming Response .................................. 21

5.1.2   Accepting Response .................................... 23

6.  Findings and Discussion

6.1 Unidirectionality in Development of Freestanding Maximizers

The  frequencies  of  six  freestanding  maximizers  in  different  functions  are presented in Tab. 6.1. It is obvious that absolutely, totally, and quite are used as the freestanding form more frequently than other three maximizers. Specifically, absolutely predominates  in  these  freestanding  maximizers  in  all  the  functions.  Moreover,  the functions of confirming response and approving response can be performed by all these freestanding maximizers. In a similar way, the functions of enhancing confirmation or negation and back-channeling are also performed by most freestanding maximizers, except for extremely and entirely. Furthermore, other functions present a tendency to be concentratedly assumed by absolutely. 


7. Conclusions

7.1 Major Findings

This paper is focused on freestanding forms of maximizers proposed by Quirk et al.[1], including absolutely, totally, quite, completely, extremely, and entirely. Starting from  the  synchronic  perspective,  the  discourse  functions  of  these  freestanding maximizers are summarized based on the spoken data. In general, the results reveal that absolutely, totally, and quite are the three main candidates among the six freestanding maximizers  for  speakers  to  select  in  conversations.  Moreover,  absolutely  takes  the central position among these three maximizers and it possesses various functions, some of which cannot be performed by other freestanding maximizers.

Specifically,  the  results  indicate  that  freestanding  maximizers  can  serve  the functions of responses and discourse markers. The functions of responses are composed of  the  functions  of  confirming  response,  accepting  response,  approving  response, promising response, and ironic response. With respect to the functions of discourse markers,  they  encompass  the  textual  functions  of  ending  a  turn  or  a  topic  and  the metatextual functions of enhancing confirmation or negation, mitigating disagreement, and back-channeling. 

Furthermore,  different  functions  have  their  own  preferences  for  different maximizers. There are two functions perform