

日期:2022年01月24日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1157
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202201062115434067 论文字数:35666 所属栏目:英语语言学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
sations.  However,  the differences of their discourse functions are exhibited in specific contexts. 

The current research is of great significance from  both theoretical and practical perspectives.  Theoretically,  the  motivations  and  mechanisms  in  the  development  of freestanding maximizers are explicated in terms of some novel theories, which can offer new perspectives for future studies on freestanding adverbs. It also casts light on the cross-linguistic study on freestanding adverbs and the classification of degree adverbs in English. 

Practically,  the  freestanding  maximizers  have  been  used  frequently  in  spoken discourses. The current study explores different discourse functions of them, which can help language learners carry out smooth interactions. In other words, it contributes to making appropriate choices of the freestanding maximizers by the speakers to achieve particular  purposes.  Furthermore,  the  current  study  provides  guidance  on  English teaching.  

2.  Literature Review

2.1 Review of Studies on English Adverbs of Degree

A large part of research has been carried out into defining and classifying English adverbs of degree. It is necessary to examine different classifications of English adverbs of  degree,  by  which  the  proportional  features  of  different  freestanding  adverbs  in English can be distinctive. 

2.1.1 Classifications of English Adverbs of Degree Abroad

As a controversial topic, the classification of English adverbs of degree varies on the basis of different classifying standards. In terms of different standards, there are three main avenues to the classification of English adverbs of degree.  

Firstly, according to the level of degree scale, they are  classified into different subsets by many scholars. Bolinger[7] uses the term “intensifier” for any device that scales a quality, whether up or down, or somewhere between the two. He distinguishes four classes of degree words which are shown in Tab. 2.1.  


2.2 Review of Studies on English Maximizers

Within the scope of the 335 English adverbs of degree above, it is manifested that English freestanding adverbs of degree are converged to the maximizers proposed by Quirk et al.[1], which include absolutely, altogether, completely, entirely, extremely, fully,  perfectly,  quite,  thoroughly,  totally,  utterly,  and  in  all  respects.  By  means  of searching the freestanding form of these maximizers in the spoken data of COCA and BNC, it is shown that freestanding maximizers  consist of absolutely, totally, quite, completely, entirely, and extremely. In this part, previous studies on English maximizers at  home and  abroad are reviewed from two  perspectives, including  synchronic  and diachronic studies on maximizers.

2.2.1 Synchronic Studies on English Maximizers 

From the perspective of synchronic studies on English maximizers, the studies are devoted  to  collocational  features  and  semantic  prosody  of  English  maximizers. Furthermore, cross-linguistic studies on these synchronic features of maximizers are conducted. With respect of freestanding maximizers, pragmatic functions of them are propounded, such as absolutely and totally. 

Firstly, from the standpoint of collocational features of maximizers, Altenberg[16] seeks to summarize the collocational features of intensifiers in spoken English based on the corpus of London-Lund Corpus of Spoken English (LLC). The results show that the adjectives collocated with boosters and maximizers are gradable[16]. Furthermore, maximizer is a closed class, whereas booster is an open cla