2.1 Research on the 2017 NSS Document
Generally speaking, researches on the 2017 NSS document are quite limited both at homeand abroad, which can be mainly divided into two parts. Some focus on the backgroundinformation, characteristics of the contents, interpretation of the security strategies, China-U.S.relations and assessment of the strategy implementation. While others intend to analyze thedocument from a linguistic perspective, highlighting the effect of language using.
Chinese scholars pay particular attention to the document itself, the contents as well assecurity strategies. Ren (2018) clarifies the formulation process of the document to betterunderstand the significance of it. Some exploration attempts to identify the generalcharacteristics of the contents (Wang & Xuan, 2018; Chen, 2018a; Ni, 2018; Fang, 2018; Ren,2018), historical changes of contents (Zhu & Long, 2018; Q. Y. Wang, 2018) and the meaningof the “America First” policy (Teng, 2018). Most researchers offer extensive clarification ofsecurity strategies through the aspects of background information, goals, means, changes andinfluence, emphasizing the importance and new adjustment of these strategies (Pan, 2018; C.Liu, 2018; C. S. Liu & Q. H. Xu, 2018; Xing & Lu, 2018). Particularly, new security strategiestowards China and the impact on China-U.S. relations are argued broadly (Huang, 2018; Zheng& Zhang, 2018; Chen, 2018b; J. W. Wang, 2018; Wei, 2018). Besides, Indo-Pacific Strategy,great power competitions, and cyber security are illustrated as well (Liu & Xin, 2018; Xu, 2018;Hu, 2019; Chen, 2018c; Lv & Song, 2018; G. F. Wang, 2018).
Among these studies, only a few have discussed about the American concept of nationalsecurity. C. Liu (2018) claims that the U.S. concept of national security is based on itsAmericanized definition of security threats. However, there is no further explanation of thispoint of view. Yang (2018) also makes a rough analysis of the Trump Administration’s guidingideology, clarifying that its national security concept is under the guidance of the “AmericaFirst” policy which merely protects the American people, the homeland and their way of life.
2.2 Research on the National Security Concept of the U.S.
Relatively speaking, the topic of America’s national security concept has not drawn muchattention both domestically and internationally. In general, the existing research concentrateson the national security concept of the U.S. from four perspectives, namely, differences of thesecurity concept between China and the U.S., reasons for these differences, diachroniccomparison, relationship between the security concept and national interests.
Chinese scholars pay special attention to the differences of national security conceptbetween China and the U.S.. Jiang and Lv (2018), Zhou and Fu (2014) compare the differenceswith reference to the ways of thinking, security threats, goals and means of achieving thesegoals. With regard to the reasons, they provide further explanations by taking factors ofnational power, international position, political system, ideology, national interests, cultural tradition, historical experience, and geopolitical condition into consideration. Similarly, Guoand Nie (2004), Zhu (2007), Zhang (2011), Liao and Sun (2018) conduct in-depth research onthese issues. In addition, diachronic comparison of the U.S. national security concept is madeby oth