
影视语言对儿童语用的影响The Influence of Film Language on Children’s Pragmatic Competence

日期:2018年01月30日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1234
论文价格:200元/篇 论文编号:lw201708181115269920 论文字数:6000 所属栏目:英语语言学论文
论文地区: 论文语种:English 论文用途:本科毕业论文 BA Thesis
摘要:儿童的启蒙教育是教育的开始,同时对儿童后期的学习也是至关重要的。影视资料能够给儿童提供听觉和视觉双通道的语言输入,其动态性的特点能够创造出语用习得中最为关键的因素—语境。儿童在观看影视资料时能够习得某一言语行为在具体语境中如何受语境参数的制约, 提高其理解该话语的社会意义的能力。 本文主要从语用学角度分析影视语言对于儿童语用技能的影响,从而引起社会大众对此话题的关注与重视。将语用学与实际社会情况联系,更加说明研究语用学在实际生活中的重要意义。
关键词: 影视语言;儿童语用技能;话轮转换;语义理解;言语行为

Abstract: New media becomes a bridge of communication between child and society. So, how to correctly utilize the new mass media-film as the educational tools become the top priority on today. Film and television can provide the language input from the two aspects: hearing and vision. In the course of watching film and television, children can learn how to use the speech act correctly due to the different context. This text chooses the film language from the pragmatics perspective to analyze the influence on children's pragmatic skills (give priority to turn-taking, semantic understanding and speech act). Aiming to prove the importance and significance of studying pragmatics and the study of the relationship between pragmatics and the actual social situation will help to illustrate the significance of the study of pragmatics in real life.
Key words: Film language; Pragmatic skill; Turn-Taking; Semantic understanding; Speech acts

1. Introduction 6
2.Related theories 7
2.1 Major studies at Home and Abroad 7
2.2 Development and features of Film language 8
2.3 Study of children’s pragmatic competence 8
3. The influence of film language on children’s pragmatic competence 9
3.1 Turn-Taking 9
3.1.1 Turn-claiming 10
3.1.2 Turn-holding 11
3.1.3 Turn-yielding 13
3.2 Semantic understanding 14
3.2.1 Context is the basis of determining specific meaning 15
3.2.2 Accurate application of language depends on context 15
3.2.3 Restrictions and influences of context on language usage 16
3.3 Speech acts 17
3.3.1 Austin’s Speech Acts 17
3.3.2 Searle’s Indirectly Speech Acts 17
4. Promote the positive influence 19
4.1 Parental guidance 19
4.2 Improve the film social environment 19
5. Conclusion 19
References 20

1. Introduction介绍

Childhood is a period of a person's rapid development about socialization and children begin to erect social relationships generally. Children's pragmatic skill is vitally important to this process. Thus it can be seen that children' pragmatic skills is the comprehensive embodiment of language in social skills, it has important significance in children's development and links the relationship between child and society. Pragmatics is a kind of study pays close attention on the information or implication that speaker express through his/her speech and how listener to interpret it. Famous linguist Lenvinson pointed out that pragmatics is a scientific subject of using language in specific situation among process of social communication. Moreover, children’s pragmatics skill is an important part of social skills research, which opens a new perspective for the study of the field of children’s social skills. Children’s pragmatic skills formed in the growing process of children through continuous operation and usage of language. Mainly reflect to start a conversation with others by using appropriate strategies to express their communicative tendency, according to different situations organizing sentences to express ideas. It is emphasized how children in the communication environment in an appropriate manner and in accordance with the rules of language usage. This text studied from the perspective of pragmatics in order to analyze the influence on children's pragmatic competence. 

5. Conclusion总结

We have already realized that children's session competence has strong association of pragmatics. Pragmatics is a kind of skill that acquires through the process of social communication. It is a kind of comprehensive embodiment in social skill. Thus, features of language such as effectiveness, accuracy and appropriateness are fully manifested in social skill. So, when children learn this language skill, they will build relationship between themselves and external world, master on how to figure out i