

日期:2018年02月23日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1573
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201604071116051723 论文字数:37263 所属栏目:英语语言学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
posed “lexical approach” which is based on the idea that language is made up  of  grammatical  lexis  instead  of  lexicalized  grammar,  and  an  important  part of language  acquisition  is  the  ability  to  comprehend  and  produce  lexical  chunks  as unanalyzed  wholes,  while  these  chunks  are  the  raw  data.  It  makes  a  distinction between vocabulary and lexis which concentrates on developing students’ proficiency by using lexis, or word combinations (Lewis, 1997). 

Chapter Two Literature Review 

2.1 Theories on Lexical Chunks 
During the late nineteen century, there has been an increasing concern about the linguistic study in China and abroad. Many linguists, scholars and teachers devote themselves to language teaching and learning. Among these approaches, introduction of  lexical  chunks  during  teaching  process  has  been  advocated  and  employed  to language  acquisition.   There  have  been  different  definitions  of  lexical  chunks. Becker (1975) first put forward his opinion that lexical chunks are those particular multi-words or sentences, which are usually in the form of fixed or semi-fixed chunks and share the common characteristics of traditional grammar and lexis. And, Nattinger &  Decarrico(1992),  who  also  defines  lexical  chunks  as  “multi-word  lexical phenomena”, arguing that these chunks are ready-made multi-word expressions. They think  that  these  phrases  are  “collocations  that  are  assigned  pragmatic  functions”, which  differs  them  from  other  multi-word  units  like  idioms  or  collocations.  It  is necessary to make clear the conceptualizations of lexical chunks in order to delineate a precise boarder for present study. Therefore, in the following part, the definition of lexical chunks, its classification and functions will be discussed. 

2.2 Theories on Lexical Approach
Lexical approach  is put  forward by  Michael  Lewis (1993) who suggests that lexis is the basic unit of language instead of grammar and single words, and they play a central role in language acquisition. According to Lewis (1993), the key principle of a lexical approach is that “language consists of grammaticalized lexis, not lexicalized grammar.” (p.36). He suggests that it is necessary to put pedagogical chunking as a lesson activity in a high frequency, in order to develop the awareness of language learning. He has written two books The Lexical Approach (1993) and Implementing the  Lexical  Approach:  Putting  Theory  into  Practice  (1997).  These  two  books introduce lexis-focused theories and how to apply lexical chunks to language teaching, and  they  have  received  interest  in  the  language-teaching  field  since  they  were published.  The  Lexical  Approach  which  developed  by  Michael  Lewis,  has  gained popularity  and attention  in recent  years. It develops the  fundamental principles of Communicative  Approach.  Although  it  has  similarities  with  the  Communicative Approach, the differences are obvious too. Such as it increased understanding of the nature of lexical chunks in naturally occurring language, and it contributes to enrich language pedagogy po