Chapter 3 The Analysis of Results....29
3.1 Gender Reflected in Complaint Frequency......29
3.1.1 Gender Reflected in Direct Complaint Frequency....30
3.1.2 Gender Reflected in Indirect Complaint Frequency..........30
3.2 Gender Reflected in Complaint Realization Patterns.........31
3.3 Gender Reflected in Complaint Strategies......36
3.3.1 Gender Reflected in Direct Complaint Strategies....36
3.3.2 Gender Reflected in Indirect Complaint Strategies...........38
3.4 Gender Reflected in Complaint-response Strategies..........40
Chapter 4 Discussions....44
.1 Gender Reflected in Complaint Frequency.....44
4.2 Gender Reflected in Complaint Realization Patterns.........45
4.3 Gender Reflected in Complaint Strategies......47
4.4 Gender Reflected in Complaint-response Strategies..........48
Chapter 4 Discussions
4.1 Gender Reflected in Complaint Frequency
In general, there are significant differences between husbands and wives on thefrequency of complaint. The results have proved that females produced more complaintsthan males.The characteristics of males differ from that of females, which may give rise togender differences in complaint frequency. Maltz and Borker (1982) point out that malesand females subordinate to different subcultures and live in two disparate cultural worlds.They have been instructed to learn appropriate gender language from childhood. Men areexpected to be strong, courageous, independent, and aggressive and they should do thingswith persistence so as to achieve their own goals and ambitions, while women areencouraged to be considerate, tender, empathetic, obedient and dependent. Consequently,females become more emotional and sensitive and they are more likely to complain forsome subtle offensive actions. On the contrary, complaints from males are relativelyfewer, as they are rational people with great endurance capacity.From the perspective of complaint types, both direct complaints and indirectcomplaints from wives occur more frequently than husbands. However, there is nosignificant difference between husbands and wives on the frequency of direct complaintwhile there exist significant differences between husbands and wives on the frequency ofindirect complaint.
In this research, gender analysis of complaint in marital conversations selected fromAA Life Style has been investigated thoroughly. After the quantitative and qualitativestudies, a brief summary of the current research is firstly laid out. Then the limitations ofthis dissertation are presented, followed by