

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:3301
论文价格:100元/篇 论文编号:lw200706152136126427 论文字数:17509 所属栏目:计算机专业论文
论文地区: 论文语种:中文 论文用途:本科毕业论文 BA Thesis
摘 要 信息管理系统是以计算机网络和数据库技术为基础,为管理、决策提供信息服务的人机交互系统。它对各种业务活动的有关信息进行采集、分类、统计和整理,为一个组织机构的作业、管理和决策职能提供信息支持。 本文以武汉市流动人口管理信息系统的研究与设计为背景,首先介绍了课题所设计到的技术:数据库技术、管理信息系统、和软件工程,讨论了管理信息系统及其开发方法的现状及发展历史,指出了用软件工程方法来开发流动人口管理信息系统的优点。然后进行了需求分析,据此进行了系统分析和设计,并对系统设计中的重点和难点进行了论述;最后是软件设计和实现。以PowerBuilder为前端开发工具,较好的实现了人口管理的实际需求。在软件设计与开发阶段,笔者按照管理信息系统的功能将本系统划分为用户管理模块、输入模块、查询模块、数据更新、报表汇总,并分别介绍了各个模块的开发过程。并着重探讨了用户管理模块和查询模块代码的设计。 此外,笔者还探讨了利用系统完整性约束来防止非法用户对数据的不合理操作。在建表过程中利用NOT NULL(非空)约束,UNIQUE(唯一)约束、PRIMARY KEY(主键)约束、FOREIGN KEY(外键)约束、CHECK(检查)约束来保证数据库表的完整性,防止非法数据进入数据库。在前端也规定了数据的输入格式以及合法性检验,从而从应用系统和后台数据库两个层面来保护数据库。 关键字:管理信息系统、分布式数据库、软件工程、PowerBuilder ABSTRACT Management Information System (MIS) is based on Network technology and Database technology. It can collect, sort, statistic information and analysis the information. And it can provide information services for management and decision-making of an organization. This paper discusses the research and design of Floating population Management Information System of Wuhan. Firstly, the author introduces the technologies Management Information System used, which are Database technology, Management Information System and Software Engineering. In this paper, the management information system and the situation of its developing method, and its history of development are discussed. Furthermore, this paper indicates some advantages when we use object-oriented software engineering method and technology to develop management information system. Secondly, it also introduces the demands of the system, and then discusses the system analysis and system design, and it discusses the emphases and difficulties of the system. Lastly, the design and realization of this software are discussed. PowerBuilder is the forward tool of this system, which is satisfied the practical demands of the system. In the discussing of system design, the author partitions the system into user management module, input module, query module, data update module, report forms module, and discusses the developing process of every module. And the emphasis is the design of code of the query module and user management module. The author discusses how to prevent illegal user from entering the system with the help of integrality rules. For example, the rules of NOT NULL, UNIQUE, PRIMARY KEY, FOREIGNKEY, CHECK, which ensure the integrality of database and prevent illegal data from entering the database. There are integrality rules and validity test in the forward too. So, it has ensured the security of the database through two arrangements. Keywords: MIS, Distributed Database, Software Engineering, PowerBuilder