2.2 本文所选取非洲国家的代表性叙述
The African continent has immense potential to not only feed itself, to eliminate hunger and food insecurity, but also to become a major player in international markets. This potential is its land, water and oceans, its women and men, know-how and a huge market. Aware of this opportunity, the African Union chose 10 years ago to make agriculture one of the main pillars of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development.
Agriculture is an essential part of the economy of all African countries. Since 1998, world cotton prices have been depressed, undermining the profitability of the sectors (Jouve, 1999). Cotton companies face difficulties in paying cash for the removed seed cotton and in ensuring adequate supply of inputs and credit to farmers (Mbétid-Bessane, 2002). This situation, which results in less profitable production, very high input costs and increasingly difficult supply conditions, forces producers to adapt their production methods. This development is concomitant with the gradual disengagement of the State from the management of cotton farming (Mbétid-Bessane et al., 2003).
China is the leading cotton-producing country in the world and the leading trading partner with Africa, its impact on the international market is heavily felt on this African continent. This bilateral cooperation between its two partners represents an asset on the local and international market. To better understand and demonstrate the impact of economic cooperation on the development of the cotton industry through Chinese foreign direct investment (FDI) in the Central African Republic on is national economy and less households. A good comparative study is to analyze and synthesize commonalities, differences between two or more cases that share a common interest or goal.
3 计量分析模型与数据 ................................. 43
3.1 方法论 .................................... 43
3.2 数据收集 ................................... 47
3.3 数据分析 ................................... 49
4 中非经贸合作机制对非洲国家农产品贸易影响的实证分析 .......... 51
4.1 棉花出口值 ............................. 51
4.2 中非合作对中非、马达加斯加和乍得经济的影响 .................... 68
4.3 三个国家的国内生产总值的特点 .......................... 74
5 结论和前景展望 ............................ 83
5.1 结论 ............................... 83
5.2 政策建议 ........................... 85
4 中非经贸合作机制对非洲国家农产品贸易影响的实证分析
4.1 中非、马达加斯加和乍得对中国的棉花出口
The Table 4-1 show that, mean export value of cotton from Central African Republican was 2875179.80 (+_ 3602755.549). The export values ranged from 527439 to 12363660 with a range of 11836221. From Madagascar, the cotton export values ranged from 188992 to 1001042, with the range of 812058. The mean cotton export value was 610697.75 (+_ 338798.074). On the other hand, the mean export value for cotton from Chad was 5541014.75 (+_ 7485464.871). The cotton export values for Chad ranged from 40613 to 21751793. All the tests of normality suggested that data for cotton export values from all the three countries were normally distributed. See the Figure 4 (1-3) of the data for all the three countries, accompanied with cotton export values of each country.
5 结论和前景展望
There are several conclusions that we have drawn from this study. Firstly, cotton is widely recognized as one of the most significant cash crops in Africa. Its importance in the continent's agricultural sector is underscored by the fact that it is grown by millions of small-scale farmers, many of whom rely on it for their livelihoods. The crop is an important export commodi