

日期:2019年01月29日 编辑:ad200901081555315985 作者:论文网 点击次数:2211
论文价格:650元/篇 论文编号:lw201901291656388520 论文字数:130021 所属栏目:国际关系论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:博士毕业论文 Docotor Thesis
摘 要
美国对于TPP(跨太平洋战略经济伙伴协定)和TTIP(跨大西洋贸易与投资伙伴协定)的谈判都在紧锣密鼓的进行,为了其在世界的主导地位而孜孜不倦。美国政府决定已经完成了TPP 全面谈判,将在未来几年内完成TTIP的谈判,同时建立美欧自由贸易协议。如果美国谈判顺利完成,将成为全球最大的贸易合作关系和主导者,同时在整个全球范围内形成最大的贸易合作成员,获得利益最多的成员国。以此同时,中国的东盟合作会议也取得了全所未有的进展,然而在合作方式和水平中还处于缓慢低下的地步。
中国为了自身的经济贸易的发展,必须推出属于自己的贸易合作计划和伙伴关系,这使得中国需要建立新型的贸易协定。TPP和TTIP的提出必定会给以美国为主的国家带来巨大的经济贸易福利,但同时对于中国而言更多的是遏制中国的发展,而RCEP框架下的东盟关系,是以中国为主的贸易合作伙伴,必定会给中国的经济贸易带来更新的推动作用,本文根据关于搜集的TPP 、TTIP等贸易组织协定的资料,全方面的进行对比分析。针对当前国际贸易局势做出更多的具有开创性的研究,对于美欧、东亚或是中国等产生的影响进行了深刻的对照。
对于文章主题的具体阐述,本论文总共分7个部分。第一部分是论文的绪论部分,主要阐述论文的研究背景、研究意义、研究现状、研究内容和方法以及创新和不足,为后文的论述提供理论基础。第二部分是相关的概念和理论基础。从TPP的发展历程、内容及特征、TTIP 的内容、起源、目标和原因等方面进行阐述。第三部分对美国介入并主导TPP、TTIP谈判的背景以及战略意图进行论述。主要是美国加入TPP的背景、美国加入TPP的战略意图、美国推行TPP经济战略的主要特点与步骤、美国推行TPP经济战略的主要特点与步骤和TTIP 的预期收益与战略意图,美国在推进TPP进程中遇到的掣肘。第四部分详细阐述美欧启动TTIP 谈判的主要动因及谈判过程中遇到的掣肘。第五部分对TPP和TTIP进行比较研究。主要包括TTIP、TPP的逻辑比较、TTIP、TPP的内容比较、TTIP,TPP谈判进程比较、TTIP ,TPP谈判面临困难比较、比较TPP,TTIP对我国对外贸易策略差异、TPP,TTIP多边化可能性比较、TPP,TTIP对世界贸易影响程度比较、政治因素对TPP,TTIP谈判影响程度比较等等。详细阐述TPP和TTIP掣肘因素比较。包括对TPP、TTIP美国国内反对力量是哪些,为什么反对及游说效果。欧盟内部反对力量是什么。谈判过程中掣肘因素比较及中国掣肘因素。两协议的谈判难度比较及前景展望。第六部分是对中国的借鉴从TPP和TTIP的谈判进程对中国的借鉴、TPP和TTIP谈判掣肘因素对中国的借鉴以及中国如何积极应对TPP和TTIP三个大方面进行阐述,具有很好的开创意义。第七部分是结论。
With advances in technology development and technology break-neck pace of globalization, making the world a global consultation and cooperation in the economic development of the various negotiations and meetings. When the high-speed development of the WTO, so that the world will want to do to achieve trade liberalization through the WTO's platform and cancel multilateral trade restrictions, the use of the model of the division of labor resources and information sharing, and ultimately win situation. However, in practice there will be a great injustice, making the emergence of many contradictions. This enthusiasm for the world to participate in international negotiations and negotiations continue cowardly retreat, resulting in more trade obstacles and failed negotiations, while entering the era of multilateral trade crisis, in order to break this crisis, the emergence of various unilateral or regional trade cooperation of trade cooperation, so that the emergence of new patterns of world trade.
    To the world economic crisis caused a panic, social security to credit the country posed a threat to many of the crisis after the original credit system difficult to maintain the existing pattern of the world, however, the United States for their own interests, want in the world within the scope of the establishment of their own economic and credit system, TPP and TTIP recently established in the United States in Asia and Europe trading platform system. TPP stands for "Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement", was originally multilateral trade partners from Singapore, New Zealand and other Asia-Pacific region consisting of four small country, after the United States evolved into the leadership and organization of the TPP trade platform, forced the implementation of the United States in the Asia-Pacific trade area dominance. TTIP stands for "transatlantic trade and investment partnership agreements" is a trade and investment agreement negotiations is the leading US and European Union, which is negotiating the agreement is currently the world's largest trade organization, has great influence function.
    United States for TPP (Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement) and TTIP (transatlant