

日期:2022年05月11日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1091
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202203231328114012 论文字数:38566 所属栏目:初中英语教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 The Background of the Study
As an essential component of language competence, language skills includelistening, speaking, reading, writing, and comprehensive application. "CurriculumStandards for Compulsory Education" (Ministry of Education, 2011) sets preciserequirements on the skills that students at each stage should master from four aspectsof listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Therefore, it is essential to carry outpractical teaching according to the curriculum's different standards and examinationrequirements. Moreover, middle school students could achieve the listening skillstarget for the "Curriculum Standards" requirements of the five-level standards, mainlyincluding the following: First, be able to understand the speaker's intention accordingto the intonation and stress; Second, be able to listen to conversations about familiartopics and draw information and ideas from them; Third, be able to use context toovercome language barriers and understand the main idea; Fourth, be able tounderstand the story and narration, and understand the cause and effect of the story;Fifth, be able to respond in appropriate ways during listening; Sixth, be able to recordsimple information for the content of the listening paragraph. As a second foreignlanguage, the most significant difficulty for middle school students in learningEnglish is the lack of context, especially the lack of resources and environment inEnglish listening teaching.
It states clearly in the curriculum standards that teachers must create multiplelanguage scenarios for students, which are as close to real-life as possible. Inparticipating in teaching activities, students can learn and apply knowledge step bystep. The ultimate goal of language learning is to make it a tool of communication.The author believes that micro-video teaching resources can enrich teaching andimprove the teaching efficiency of middle school English listening class. At present,Network technology and multimedia technology are new forms of communication,which have a profound impact on thinking and learning. More and more modernteaching methods have been incorporated into traditional classroom teaching andstudents' independent learning.
1.2 The Purpose of the Study
How to help middle school English teachers improve the quality of listeningclass teaching and stimulate students' learning enthusiasm are the current challengesfacing teachers. Given the traditional teacher-centered teaching, students' passiveacceptance of knowledge and the exam-oriented education in middle school Englishlistening teaching, this study attempts to apply micro-video teaching resources tomiddle school English listening class teaching and makes full use of its short time,striking characteristics to provide new ideas and inject new vitality. The author tries tocarry out experimental research and draws clear conclusions on the following twoquestions:
(1) Can micro-videos help students improve their listening ability in middleschool English listening classes?
(2) Can micro-video stimulate students' learning enthusiasm?
To provide a valuable reference for middle school English teachers to usemicro-video teaching resources in listening teaching, this study adopted theexperimental method to achieve two research questions. A comparative teachingexperiment was carried out on two parallel classes for four months. Micro-videoteaching resources and students' learning interest are the mediating factors ofclassroom teaching. Meanwhile, through the case study of micro-video teachingresources in the teaching process, the practical value of micro-video teachingresources in middle school English listening class teaching is verified. This studyaims to promote the application of micro-video teaching resources in middle schoolEnglish listening classes and provide help for middle school Engli