

日期:2022年05月11日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1091
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202203231328114012 论文字数:38566 所属栏目:初中英语教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
sh teachers'teaching.
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Theoretical Basis of the Study
Through the analysis of relevant data, the author found that there are fourtheories and research closely related. They are Micro-learning Theory, Audio-visualEducation Theory, Constructivism Learning theory, and the Zone of ProximalDevelopment Theory. Micro-learning theory and Audio-visual Education Theoryprovide support for the application of micro-video in teaching, and ConstructivismLearning Theory and the Zone of Proximal Development Theory provide the teachingdesign basis for this study. These theories can also be used for reference ineducational reform.
2.1.1 Micro-Learning Theory
In 2004, Austrian scientist Lindner first proposed micro-learning. However, theconcept of micro-learning has not been clearly defined. While introducing foreignconcepts, domestic scholars add local understanding to define the concept and studythe characteristics of micro-learning or the "micro" of micro-learning. Starting fromthe superior concept of "micro-learning", Su Xiaobing(2014) studied and summarizedmany concepts such as micro-lesson, micro-course, micro-lesson, micro-video, andmicro-content together. Xu Qiujun (2017) believed that the characteristics ofmicro-learning can be summarized as short time, fragmented content, personalizedlearning, and multi-media.初中英语教学论文参考
2.2 Study on Micro-video Listening Teaching at Abroad
Foreign research on micro video is relatively early and mature. The initialresearch on micro-video mainly focused on the field of communication. They focuson the interactivity and entertainment of micro-videos. YouTube is the best exampleof micro video. YouTube, the world's first micro-video site, was founded in 2005 bythree employees of eB ay's online payments division. Micro-video originated from thiswebsite (Li, 2016). MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) then worked withYouTube to upload some of its best educational videos, making them available tomany people and driving traffic to the site. It has attracted more and more attention,laying a solid foundation for the development of micro-video in education andteaching (Li, 2014). In 2007, Khan, a Bangladeshi American, founded khan Academy,a nonprofit educational institution. It is a comprehensive, free, online intelligenttracking video learning platform. In the United States, Khan Academy works with many schools, and students often use it to study. The actual data of Khan Academyalso shows that the learning effect based on micro-video teaching resources is betterthan traditional learning. Ted-Ed is a new YouTube channel launched by TED.Ted-Ed's micro-videos have attracted hundreds of millions of views around the world.Ted-Ed breaks new ground by combining lessons with videos, interactive Q&A andmore. In many places, teachers can edit videos at will on the TED-Ed platform, whichhas played a positive role in increasing interest and enthusiasm for learning. Theunique feature of the channel's micro video is that it covers the explanation of thecorresponding course, involves the background of the content and informs thelearning objectives in advance. The progress of TED-Ed has promoted thedevelopment of micro-video and provided a good reference for the application ofmicro-video in the field of education (Lu, 2014). In foreign countries, some scientistshave systematically studied and used micro-video for teaching. These studies providethe way and development direction for the modernization of education and teaching.At the same time, they will push for reform of teaching methods. Through the analysisof the current situation of foreign micro-video, micro-video has the advantages ofsimple operation, strong pertinence and reappearance of context, which providesconvenience for the application of micro-video in teaching. They mainly presentteaching situations in the form of short videos. 
Chapter Three Research Design.............................14
3.1 Research Questions.......................