

日期:2022年02月21日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:876
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202202161211098274 论文字数:56669 所属栏目:初中英语教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis


Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Necessity for the Study

The new curriculum claims that education should face all students. Every studentshould be provided proper education to develop vivaciously and forge ahead towardsquality-oriented education. While the author works as an English teacher in a juniormiddle school which locates and enroll students at the urban and rural fringe. Throughyears of experience and observation, the author finds that many students have poorEnglish level and some of them have nearly given up their English learning. And thesestudents’ low English achievement is mostly because of bad learning habits, lack ofinterest and other problems, but rarely because of the physical disability or intellectualproblem. As the problem of students’ English underachievement has been getting moreand more serious, and no matter in which stage of teaching, educators, especiallyfront-line teachers have to solve the problem of underachievers, there is really an urgentneed to transform these students.

While the appreciation education is long discussed and is in accordance with theemotional education requirements of English curriculum standards for English learning.As Nie Hongzhen (2013) indicates that appreciation education is conducive to exploringthe potential of underachievers and giving full play to their abilities, appreciationeducation is more in line with the physical and mental development characteristics ofstudents, it is helpful to establish a harmonious relationship between students andteachers. So, the author decides to combine the theory of appreciation education to carryout the study of transforming English underachievers.

1.2 General Description of the Study

Considering the realistic background of the study, based on the requirements ofnew curriculum standards, the theories of appreciation education, humanistic learningtheory, Maslow's hierarchy needs and the Rosenthal Effect, the study is carried out.

The study focuses on the changes of English underachievers’ school performanceand five dimensions before and after the teaching experiment. The five dimensions are:English learning interest and motivation, learning confidence and habit, autonomy inEnglish learning, teacher-student relationship, learning attitude and method. It mainlyexplores whether strategies based on appreciation education theory is effective on thetransforming of English underachievers.

During the experiment study, a large amount of literature is looked through firstand the author’s teaching experience and observation on students are integrated to findout the possible common problems of English underachievers to determine thedimensions included in the questionnaire and outline of the interview. In addition, theauthor summarizes the result of students’ current conditions and refers to the researchresults from a lot of literature to determine appreciation education strategies that can beimplemented on students. At last, the author teaches in accordance with students’aptitude and conducts the appreciation education experiment. The research methods ofliterature research, observation, interview and questionnaire are adopted to conduct thestudy.

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 Definitions of Appreciation Education and Underachievers

The definition of appreciation education and underachievers will be discussed inthis part.

2.1.1 Definitions of Appreciation Education

Appreciation education comes from the experience of Zhou Hong who is the firstadvocator of appreciation education. Zhou Hong has a deaf daughter and cultivates hisdeaf-mute daughter to be successful. The idea of appreciation education also inheritsand carries forward Tao Xingzhi’s ideas on education. The essence of appreciationeducation is love, learning to appreciate is learning to love children and understand thec