

日期:2018年07月02日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2035
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201508171031392078 论文字数:0 所属栏目:初中英语教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis


1. Introduction

1.1 Research background
Nobody can deny the importance of vocabulary when it turns to English languagelearning. The famous linguist Wilkins (1972) put it like this: “Without grammar verylittle can be conveyed; without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed". We can neverignore the importance of vocabulary. It is through vocabulary that little babies begin toleam their mother tongue. And only through vocabulary can successful English learningbe possible.” Inadequate vocabulary becomes the major problem of language learners toleam a language." (Nation, 2004). The more vocabulary a language learner has gained,the better the learner can communicate with others in the foreign language.During a very long period of time, English vocabulary learning strategies neverattracted too much attention from English teachers and linguists, and they pay veryspecial attention to pronunciation and syntax,which they think are the most importantthings of linguistics. Many people think that the only thing about learning vocabulary isto remember them list by list.

1.2 Research purpose
Since the 1970s, a great many researchers and teachers have been showing greatinterests in second language learners. As a result,second language learning strategies arevery popular. And especially,the studies of vocabulary learning strategies are verypopular. As vocabulary is one of the three elements of a language, with no doubtvocabulary is of great importance to language learners. As Oxford (2008) argues,"By farvocabulary is most difficult thing to leam whether as a first language or a secondlanguage because there are huge amount of vocabulary and in most cases one word mayhas various kinds of meanings. The researches on vocabulary learning strategies mayhelp language learners leam vocabulary more efficient and easier.,,But for many studentssuch as junior high school students it is especially difficult to leam vocabulary well. As aresult,it will be helpful if the students know some vocabulary learning strategies. And sowe teachers have better try our best to help the students to pay more attention to leamvocabulary learning strategies. Many researchers have done a lot of researches in thisfield, but most researches focused more on proficient learners, such as college studentsand graduates. The vocabulary learning strategies of junior high school students areseldom mentioned. As Oxford (2008:30) comments,“Less proficient language learnersand proficient language learners use language learning strategies differently". This articleis based on Wuhan Middle School students, which can be of great importance to improvethe vocabulary learning of the students in Wuhan Middle School.Vocabulary itself is very important for junior high school students to learn English.This study aims to investigate about the strategies of English vocabulary learning ofWuhan Middle School and to help them to find more efficient ways to improve theirvocabulary learning. And this study is also supposed to find the pedagogical implicationsfor all the English teachers.

2. Literature Review

2.1 Language learning strategies
Many researchers and linguists have defined and classified learning strategies andvocabulary learning strategies Firstly, the author will list the definitions andclassifications of learning strategies and then followed the definitions and classificationsof vocabulary learning strategies. Because of the differences of the focus on the study of learning strategies, thedefinitions of learning strategies inevitably are different. As a whole, linguists considerlearning strategies as the learning activities,procedures or specific learning methods orlearning skills that used to promote learning efficiency,or to accomplish a