

日期:2018年07月02日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2035
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201508171031392078 论文字数:0 所属栏目:初中英语教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
learningplan. The following definitions are widely accepted at home and abroad at present:
(1) Learning strategies are the concrete means and methods used by languagelearners to gain language knowledge (Rubin,1987).
(2) Learning strategies are the common trends and general characteristics of themethods used by language learners (Stem,1983).
(3) Learning strategies are the thoughts and behaviors of coding process thatlearners try to consciously use to affect their learning (Weinstein, & Mayer, 1986).
(4) Learning strategies are the efforts made by language learners to improve theirlanguage skills and communicative competence in the process of language learning(Tarone, 1989).
(5) Learning strategies are the learning methods, learning skills and the consciousbehaviors which help learners to grasp a language (O'Malley & Chamot, 1990).
(6) Language learning strategies are the actions or the behaviors that languagelearners use to make language learning more successful, interesting and autonomous(Oxford, 1990).

2.2 Researches of vocabulary learning strategies at home and abroad
Huge amounts of researches have been done in this area especially at abroad.Researches at home and at abroad will be introduced separately. When introducingresearches at home,researches done on college students and on middle school studentswill be presented respectively. Since the studies of foreign language learning strategies were introduced to China in1990s,many Chinese language researchers began to do the relevant researches. Quitemany researchers have done a lot of researches. College students and middle schoolstudents make up the majority of the research objects. Whereby, college students arerelatively more often chosen as research subjects. Two reasons may explain this situation.One is that most researchers are working in colleges so it is more convenient for them todo researches on the college students. And another reason may be that compared withmiddle school students,college students are more proficient language learners, who areapt to try all kinds of vocabulary learning strategies to help leam vocabulary. In thefollowing part, the author will discuss the researches done on college students and middleschool students respectively.

3. Methodology.........13
3.1 Research questions.........13
3.2 Research subject.........13
3.3Reseaxch instrument .........13
3.3.1 The questionnaires......... 13
3.3.2 The interview......... 14
3.4 Data collection .........14
4. Results and Discussions .........15
4.1 The general beliefs of vocabulary learning strategies......... 15
4.2 The specific vocabulary learning strategies used in general......... 16
4.3 The differences of successfiil language learners.........25
5. Pedagogical Implications......... 30
5.1 Changing the students' learning beliefs......... 30
5.2 Developing meta-cognitive vocabulary learning strategies......... 30
5.3 Developing effective cognitive vocabulary learning strategies......... 32
5.4 Developing effective social/affective vocabulary .........34

5. Pedagogical Implications

5.1 Changing the students' learning beliefs
We can see from the questionnaire that there are still many students who incline tobelieve tha