The new curriculum reform puts forward three dimensional teaching goals: knowledge and skills, process and methods, emotional attitude and values, and emphasizes the harmonious development of the body and mind in many aspects. Aesthetic education is aesthetic education or emotional education, the implementation of aesthetic education in geography education, geography to truly become a dynamic role, interest subject, so that a new generation of the next century have a certain appreciation of beauty and the ability to create beauty, so to fully explore the aesthetic knowledge of geography textbooks, consciously take aesthetic education in geography teaching, let students learn at the same time, promote the development of students' intelligence, healthy growth.
Combined with the related concepts of aesthetic education as well as the domestic and foreign scholars of literature reading as the basis, forcing found in geography teaching in the infiltration of aesthetic education existing in the teaching process of aesthetic thought, aesthetic infiltration attention is not high, in the process of teaching image light text the three aspects of the problem, the main reason is that teachers lack of grasp of aesthetic education theory and the level of teachers, uneven geographical teaching and understanding is not in place, students' participation is not high, the students' aesthetic ability is limited in five aspects. Optimization of aesthetic education in the teaching process is lower than the penetration problem, need to further establish the aesthetic geography teaching objectives, Optimizing Teachers' aesthetic understanding, fully excavate the aesthetic materials, strengthen the geography to enhance students' subjective initiative, and further optimize the aesthetic education in geography teaching process.
目 录
引言 1
一、绪论 2(一)研究背景 2
(二)研究目的及意义 2
(三)研究方法 3
(四)研究内容 3
二、概念界定及文献综述 4
(一)基础概念界定 4
(二)文献综述 4
三、地理教学中的美育渗透现状问题 5
(一)地理教学过程中美育观念不强 5
(二)美育渗透重视度不高 6
(三)地理教学过程中重图像轻文字 6
(一)教师层面的原因分析 6
(二)学生层面的原因分析 7
五、地理教学中的美育渗透优化建议 8
(一)确立地理美育教学目标 8
(二)优化教师美育认识 8
(三)充分挖掘地理美育素材 9
(四)强化提升学生主观能动性 9
结论与展望 10
参考文献 11
引 言
传统以来,存在着“应试教育”“唯智主义”等错误思潮,例如,将知识与能力、智育、美育割裂,无视人的综合心理素质的发展;重自然轻人文,重分科轻综合,无视了地理科学系统内部及地理科学与其他相关科学间相辅相渗的关系;重课内轻课外,无视了理论系统与实践系统以及学校教育小系统与社会大系统之间的关系。由于这些倾向的存在极大地削弱了地理科学和地理教育独具特色的美感和生命力,影响了学生学习的积极主动性及学科综合素质的发展,使地理教学效 益大为降低,地理科学教育的独特价值也难以展示,通过地理美育可以让地理科学和地理教育充分展示其无限生命活力。