A&C company is a company started in Shanghai, China ten years ago, specialized fashion sports shoes for people aged 18-30s.
It invited one of the most influential pop idol as its spokesman two years ago.两年前,它邀请了一位最有影响力的流行偶像作为代言人。
It has become one of the most popular brand in its field.
It has achieved continuously growth in three years.
It opened the fifthly store in Shanghai and Beijing this spring.
It is planning to expand its business to other major cities in Mainland China, such as Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Chengdu, etc. in the next year. Then Hong Kong, Taiwan, etc.
As the expansion plans of sales to four times, it expected to triple its revenue.
A&C is planning to adopting multi-channel to realize the expansion.
Quarterly sales volume and revenue growth in the past three years过去三年的季度销售额和收入增长
Sales volume: the total quarterly in last three years is 23.18 billion RMB.
Revenue: the total in last three years is 436 million RMB.
Quarterly sales volume and revenue growth expectation in the past three years
Sales volume: the total expected quarterly in last three years is 22.58 billion RMB and the total is 23.18 billion RMB, which is 2.66% more than expected.
Revenue: the total expected is 433 million RMB, the actual total is 436 million RMB, 0.7% more than expected.
Marketing research
National sports shoes sales volumeIn the last three years, the sales volume of sports shoes in China is continuously increased.
Marketing research - Competitors
Major international and domestic competitors
Now, all the major competitors have multi-channel, including off-line stores and online stores. These online stores are covers all major online channels, including Tmall, Jingdong, Amazon, etc.
A&C Strategies in next year
Major markets
In the next three years, A&C’s major markets are targeting Mainland China, Taiwan, Hongkong. Among the three, Mainland China will still be the most important market, which is expected to contribute 80% of sales volume.
A&C Strategies in next year
Sports shoes product regional distribution
From the China’s sports shoes product regional distribution, it can be seen that the major markets of sports shoes are still in the rationally comparatively developed regions, including eastern and south eastern and other major economic centers.
Therefore, the target markets of A&C will also focus on these area.
Marketing research - Channels
Major channels of domestic sports shoes in Mainland China
Present Status of E-Commerce in Mainland China
China's E-Commerce scale
The first half of 2015, China's e-commerce transactions amounted to 7.63 trillion yuan, an increase of 30.4%. Among them, B2B transactions amounted to 5.8 trillion yuan, an increase of 28.8%. Network retail market transactions amounted to 1.61 trillion yuan, an increase of 48.7%.
Therefore, A&C will pay more attention on E-Commerce in future.
Present Status of E-Commerce in Mainland China
Market share of major E-Commerce platforms (B2C)
According to the 2015 market share of major E-Commerce platforms (B2C) and related prediction, A&C will strategically distribute effort accordingly.
A&C E-Commerce Platform and configuration
E-Commerce System architecture
A&C E-Commerce Platform and configuration
Online platform and configuration
In the Amazon seller central, as a mature E-Commerce platform, it has all the sections that a seller needs.
Each section has integrated all the detailed and analyzed data that a seller needs.
In the following, it will give a close look on each