
MBA留学生课程作业:Role of the CEO

日期:2023年11月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:442
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202311151104272491 论文字数:1000 所属栏目:帮写留学生作业
论文地区:美国 论文语种:English 论文用途:大学作业 BA essay
ch for thinking outside the box ahead of the market.
These sentiments were echoed by Newbold (2010) who discussed three key elements for the CEO to take into consideration when looking at innovative suggestions from the shop floor. Culture was a key element as the ambient culture within the corporation is ideally one that promotes innovation rather than stifles it with indifference. A culture resistant to change is harmful and creates the indoctrination that management is in itself resistant. Regardless of the viability of the innovation, it needs to be heard in order to promote this as organisational culture. Competency is a key issue as according to Newbold, innovation can be learned having similarities to quality improvement. Newbolds’ final element was courage that would be necessary for the CEO to promote the innovation-without the required support innovative ideas would fade into obscurity and would possibly need an iconic figurehead to champion them and gain acceptance.
Byrnes (2014), discussed the importance of quality and safety as being directly within the remit of the CEO as a focal point from which their importance and significance could be broadcast across the corporation. CEOs according to Byrnes, needed to be the figurehead in order to achieve significant buy-in from the workforce, suggesting that this was a role that delegation was inappropriate in that t=only the CEO had the pre-requisite authority to ensure these elements became endemic within the culture.
According to Rothfeder (2005), as a rule, CEOs perceive innovation as a concept that warrants encouragement and direction but can be adversely affected if managed to excess intimating that the role of the CEO needs to be perceived as a supporter from the perspective of the team as in the right culture, innovation was a natural by-product and would merely need support rather than being over-promoted, suggesting that a balanced approach was called for.
Byrnes, J., (2014), The drive for value: key roles for the CEO. Healthcare Financial Management; Westchester68.6 (Jun 2014): 132, 134.
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Newbold, P., (2010). Empowering innovation: The CEO’s Role. Healthcare Executive; Chicago25.6 (Nov/Dec 2010): 82,84.
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Healthcare Executive; Chicago17.3 (May/Jun 2002): 22-5.
Rothfeder, J., (2005). The CEO’s role in innovation. Chief Executive; New York 213 (Nov 2005): 50-55.
Tucci, J., (2004). The role of CEOs in innovation. Chief Executive; New York 202 (Oct 2004): 18.