
留学生作业范文:主干线列车运行引起的机遇与威胁Opportunities and Threats arising from the Operation of Mainline Trains as Part of a Fully Automated System

日期:2018年01月23日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1536
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201710091451036658 论文字数:1030 所属栏目:帮写留学生作业
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:本科课程论文 BA Termpaper
Executive summary执行摘要

无人运行列车的运行系统实施,被认为是轨道交通发展史上的一个里程碑。然而,UTO系统相关的威胁(在技术上的挑战,人类的相互作用和系统可靠性)预见和解决方案也是要进一步探讨的,自动系统开始运用之前在英国铁路运输业所需要慎重处理好的。在这份报告中,将在无人运行的列车运行系统中的一部分相关的威胁进行了讨论。这些威胁包括因运行后导致的失业率,由于可能的系统故障引起的致命事故和乘客体验的恶化。另外,根据作者的个人意见,也提出了可能的解决方案。全自动化系统(FAS)是指采用各种控制技术的综合系统,以最少的人为干预实现机械,飞机和铁路列车的自动化运行(Rifkin,1995)。自动化通过各种手段,如机械,电气和电子技术。The implementation of unattended train operation system is considered a milestone in the history of rail transportation, resulting in great opportunities and. However, threats associated with the UTO system (in terms of technological challenges, human interactions and system reliability) are also foreseen and solutions are required before further promotion ofthe UTO system in the British rail transport industry. In this report, threats associated with the unattended train operation system as part of the fully automated system are discussed.These threats includeincreasedunemployment, fatal accidents due to possible system failures and degradation in passenger experience. In addition, possible solutions are also proposed based on the author’s personal opinion. 
The fully automated system (FAS) refers toan integrated system of various control techniques to achieve automated operation of machinery, aircraft and railway trains with minimal human intervention(Rifkin, 1995).The automation isusually achieved by a combination of various means such as mechanical, electrical and electronic techniques. Due to its advantages in the saving of labour, energy and materials and improvements in the precision, accuracy and quality of the products and processes, the FAS has been widely applied in various industries throughout the world. For instance, fully automation ofthe telephone switching process in 1930s was estimated to release approximately 1 million employeesfor other positions(based on statistics of 1938). Another recent example is the automation inaviation. With an integrated advancedavionics system, modern aircrafts are almost completely automated during the travelling process. In virtue of this advance, pilots can stay relaxed (especially for night flights) and the safety is significantly improved as accidents due to careless operations of pilots are eliminated.
Similarly, FAS has been introduced to the rail transportation industry (known asthe automatic train operation). The automatic train operation (ATO) is an integrated system that can realize automatic operations of railway trains and enhance theiroperational safety. Also, other automatic systems carrying out signal operations such as route setting,time control and train regulation (traditionally by on-board staff) are used together with the ATO system.Nevertheless, at least one train operator is maintained in most systems to mitigate any potential accidentscaused bysystem failures or unexpected emergencies. As shown in Table 1, the automation of trains iscategorized into five levels (based ondefinitions by the International Association of Public Transport), known as the Grades of Automation (GoA)(Fischer, 2014).
Table 1. The Grades of Automation in rail transportation industry

Recently, attempts have been made by the British Railways topromote unattended operationfor mainline railway trains, as a part of FAS in rail transportation industry of UK. The unattended operation of mainline trains will bring both great opportunities and severe threats. In the following sections, the potential opportunities and threats resulting from this attempt are described, together with a discussion on possible solutions to the problems associated to minimize the threats.

The objective of railway systems is to provide consistent, efficient and high-quality transportation services to passengers and clients. Due to the rapidly increasing passenger flow, the well-trained operators are approaching their capacity limits, resulting in a requirement for construction of new lines and extension of platforms,as well as safety issues associated with operator tiredness. Although this can b