From online journal without DOI:
Skull fractures caused by golf balls can inflict brain damage in young children (Steinbok, 2008).
From journal (printed or online) with DOI:
Since 1970 the number of children who have received the diagnosis autism has tripled(Safran, 2008, p. 92). “The term autism has undergone a complete transformation since the 1940’s” writes psychologist S. P. Safran (ibid., p.90).
When there are several citations to the same source,“ibid.” can be used. Include the pagenumber of the quote.
In bibliography (参考文献)
From printed journal without DOI(Digital Object Identifier):
Friscolanti, M. (2009). Lean, green war machine. Maclean’s, 121(51),35-36.
The title of the journal (not the article) is in italics. Volume in italics. Issue in parentheses, and not in italics. Write page number(s) for the entire article.
From online journal without DOI:
Steinbok, P. (2008). Operative management of growing skull fractures. Child’s Nervous System, 24(5), 605-607. Retrieved from
Write complete URL if content is freely available (open access).Write URL of the journal’s home page if available by subscription (this example).
From journal (printed or online) with DOI:
Safran, S. P. (2008). Why youngsters with autistic spectrum disorders remain underrepresented in special education.
Remedial and Special Education, 29(2), 90- 95. doi:10.1177/0741932507311637
Do not write the name of the database or URL because the DOI is a specific identifier and link to content when written in the address line of a browser or in a doiresolver.
2) Article with several authors 有多位作者的论文
Reference citation in text (文中夹注)
Articles with two authors: 有两位作者的论文
Write both names in all citations.
The study shows that men do more housework after they become fathers (Deutsch, Lussier, & Servis, 1993, p. 116).
Articles wit