

日期:2018年03月01日 编辑:ad201703301955106400 作者:未知 点击次数:1670
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201803011626559905 论文字数:0 所属栏目:essay写作
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:职称论文 Thesis for Title

        无论是在日常交流还是论文写作,“yes”“no”应该是留学生应用最多的词汇之二。专业导致很多留学生在essay写作时,对于“否定”的表达只会只用no/not,是文章看起来非常不正式,影响导师的评价。虽然essay写作更注重内容,在写作还是应当加入一些高级句型的,不过太过浅显,肯定会影响论文质量。今天小编就带大家学习下“否定”的花式用法,只用花费一个小时,就能实现no/ not 逐步提升,变成更加复杂的,甚至让人欲罢不能的高级句型。具体是怎么样的呢?快来看看吧。


        前缀 a-,dis-,il-,im-,ir-,un-,non-,anti-,mal-,under- 等

        后缀 -less,-free,-proof 等


        no,not,never,none,nobody,nothing,nowhere,neither,nor,neither...nor,but,without,unless,but for,but that,


        in the absence of,regardless of, instead of,exclusive of,short of,rather than,anything but,any more than,out of the question,would no more...than

        Few people have ever seen him get out of that house. 几乎没什么人看见他从那间屋子里出来过。

        I can hardly read the original without a dictionary. 不借助于词典我简直看不懂原著。

        People rarely see this kind of plant in blossom. 人们几乎没有见到过这种植物开花。


        Hardly can I read the original without a dictionary.



        only that

        other than

        would rather (sooner)…than…

        had rather (sooner)…than…

        prefer…rather than (to ) …

        would as soon…as…

        let alone…

        The news is obviously too good to be true. 这个消息太好了,显然不可能是真的。

        I’ll discuss with you before I accept your terms. 在我和你讨论之前,我不会接受你的条件。

        Only that you assured me it was so, I should not believeit. 要不是你向我保证,我才不会相信呢。

        The truth is quite other than what you thought.事实和你想象的很不一样。

        I would rather read than chat away mytime. 我宁可看书而不愿意浪费时间聊天。

        He cannot speak French, let alone write a letter in it.他不会说法语,更谈不上用法语写信了。



        avoid,ban,call off,cancel,deny,deprive,exclude,escape,evade,forbid,free...from,free from/of,fail,hate,ignore,lack,lose,miss,naught,neglect, prohibit,quit,refuse,rid,rule out,stop,prevent,keep,hinder,protect,save,dissuade 等

        The door simply refused to open.门根本就打不开。

        The error of calculation escaped the accountant. 会计没有注意到这一计算错误。

        He ignored the whole speech of the schoolmaster. 他根本就没有听校长的讲话。

        The boy tried by every means to avoid being caught by his father. 那孩子想方设法不让父亲逮住他。

        He failed to come to the appointed place on time. 他未能准时到达约定的地点。

        They excluded children from getting in. 他们不让孩子们进去。

        Such a chance was denied me. 我未能得到这样的机会。

        The news media were barred from the conference. 没有让记者们采访这次会议。


        They are new to the work. 他们不熟悉这一工作。