本文是留学生作业Accounting essay写作格式参考,主要内容是讲述会计理论界以及组织在世界各地的监管机构正竭力想出的规则和惯例。
1. Introduction to Topic:
Accounting may be regarded as an evolving field where the accounting theorists as well as the regulatory bodies organized in different parts of the world are trying their level best to come up with rules and conventions that helps in the accomplishment of fair accounting (Anderson, 1993). With the passage of time, unfair incidences resulting from the misuse of accounting is increasing with the passage of time, as the corporate history is full of incidences that include WorldCom, Enron, Lehman Brothers etc, to mentioned few (Huff Post Business, 2011). The fact is that most of the organizations are involved in some sort of practices that in turn limit the neutral or unbiased presentation of the financial records of business organization (Biz Covering, 2011). Realizing the significance of neutral and unbiased accounting for business organizations, efforts will be directed in this paper to critically investigate that whether the objective of neutral and unbiased accounting is possible in the real world or it is just a bookish concept that has nothing to do with the reality.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction to Topic: 3
2. Neutral and Unbiased Accounting: 3
3. Conclusion: 6
4. Works Cited 8