

日期:2018年10月15日 编辑:ad200901081555315985 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1346
论文价格:100元/篇 论文编号:lw201605092054096293 论文字数:2109 所属栏目:essay写作
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:大学作业 BA essay

1.0 Introduction 介绍

Organizational studies, as part of social science, cover very wide fields and have also been concerned by so many different scholars. There are so many different researching methods, such as deconstruction, positivist, metaphysical and metaphorical, hermeneutic etc. There are also some foundational contribution texts, just like March and Simon’s Organizations, Jacques Derrida’s Of Grammatology etc.  This short essay focuses on analyzing the methodological approach adopted by the paper of “Deconstructing Organizations”. It was written by Martin Kilduff at the initial stage of 1990s. In 1993, this text has been printed out in The Academy of Management Review. For analyzing the methodological approach of this text, there are five main parts in these short essays. Part one is about the researching process of Martin Kilduff’s text; Part two reviews the main literatures used in the paper of Martin Kilduff; Part three is about the main methodologies of Martin Kilduff’s text; Part four concerns about the core topic: deconstructive approach and part five is a short summary of the whole paper. In the reasoning process of this short essay, case approach and comparative analysis will be used as two main reasoning methods and deconstructive approach is also the focusing topic of this short essay, but it is not the first topic in this paper. 

2.0 Research process of ‘Deconstructing Organizations’ 解构组织的研究过程

The same as the topic, core content of Martin Kilduff’s text is “deconstructing organizations”, which occupies over 60% text’s length. Before the core part, Martin Kilduff introduced deconstruction briefly and following the core part, Martin Kilduff summarized the limits of the text. In the process of illustrating deconstructing organizations, Martin Kilduff made the analysis from following aspects: the structure of presence and absence, programming the body and programming the mind, the organization as writing machine, the ideology of programming, the unanticipated consequences of programmed organizations and a confessional tale. All of these composing and writing is for, just utilizing Martin Kilduff’s original words --- “my motive for this deconstruction is not only to exposes textual limitation, but also to permanently change the way the text is used in management education and research.”

For achieving this objective, at the beginning of the text, Martin Kilduff did not specially emphasizes or illustrated deconstruction or deconstructing organizations, but strongly commend March and Simon’s Organizations from this text’s contribution in the area of organizational studies. After praising about March and Simon’s text, Martin Kilduff put forward the key object out of this paper as “a dissenting perspective”. Martin Kilduff used this “dissenting perspective” to “reevaluate the appearance of progress in organizational theory”. And then in the following part, Martin Kilduff interpreted “deconstruction” in detail with the supporting of so many different scholars’ studies. In the process of illustrating “deconstruction”, Martin Kilduff first defined the position of Jacques Derrida in organizational studies, just like “the most influential post-structuralist philosopher” and “extravagantly convoluted” (Agger, 1991). For Martin Kilduff’s understanding about Jacques Derrida’s text, deconstruction is one writing way. In the article of Jacques Derrida, deconstruction is used to question the relation and presentation way of different concepts in one text; it is one way to open the conflicting relationships in the internal part of the text for the readers. Then deconstr