

日期:2018年10月19日 编辑:ad201703301955106400 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1348
论文价格:100元/篇 论文编号:lw201604131337183356 论文字数:2010 所属栏目:essay写作
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:大学作业 BA essay
自上世纪90年代以来,英国的经济衰退给英国的酒店业带来了巨大的冲击,消费者开始给酒店的客房率带来太大的压力,他们期望从酒店业带来更多优惠的价格。经济衰退给英国的经济型酒店的发展机会和领导在衰退日益攀升的营业额预算酒店(用餐,2008)。佩德森(2008)发现,从2000到2002,只有预算酒店的入住率上升,豪华酒店遭受了巨大损失。在过去的十年中预算链增长20%,580大经济型酒店是开放的58、612个调£33亿,其中约三分之一的£97亿4000万花在英国的酒店建设从2003到2012。(每日旅游媒体,2013)。未来的经济前景在英国的酒店业是有希望的,品牌的预算酒店的市场份额将大大扩展。Since the 1990s, recession in the UK has brought great impact to Britain's hotel industry, the consumers began to bring too much pressure on room rates of hotels and they expected more favorable price from the hotel industry. The recession brought opportunity of development for budget hotels in UK and led to increasingly rising turnover of the budget hotels during the recession (Dines, 2008). Pedersen (2008) found that from 2000 to 2002, only budget hotels had a rise in occupancy, luxury hotels suffered large loss. There was an increase of 20% in the budget chains in the last decade, 580 budget hotels were opened up with 58, 612 rooms at a tune of £3.3 billion, which was about a third of the £9.74 billion spent on the hotel construction in UK from 2003 to 2012. (Travel daily media, 2013). Future prospects for budget hotel industry in the UK are promising, the market share of branded budget hotels will be greatly expanded. It is worth noting that, with the changes in the market environment, as well as the development of information technology, the future budget hotel industry in the UK will have different trends in customer source, human resource management, location, hardware facilities, as well information technology when it compares with the trends in the past. The following will discuss the new trends from different aspects. 1) Changes in guest source. Milburn (2011) pointed out that guests of budget hotels in the UK have changed, the type of guests of budget hotels has been changed from early individual and family guests into business tourists and general tourists at present. Personnel of most companies become customers of budget hotels. Budget hotels are becoming popular for business people. 2) Human resource management. Zeglat (2008) notes that in budget hotels in the UK, trademarking idea has changed been changed into service advertising from product advertising. 3) Facilities. In order to cope with more intense competition, budget hotels in the UK should try to provide consumers with more complete facilities, such as the telephones in hotel bedrooms, extra conference and meeting rooms, so as to meet the needs of consumers. These improvements should be carefully checked to meet the actual guest prerequisites (Ardley, 2013; White, 2013). 4) Location. Harmer (2011) points out that a recent trend has been found in budget hotel industry that budget hotels have been moved into city centers from roadsides, the edges of town or cities. 5) Network and management. With the advent of the Internet age, more and more British budget hotels rely on the network and information technology in dealing with management and marketing. 6) Network and marketing. Paraskevas, Katsogridakis, Law and Buhalis (2011) propose that the development and application of the Internet in the information age has changed a hotel's marketing mode, broaden the field of marketing, how to use information technology platform to carry out for the network marketing of a hotel has become the new content of competition in hotel industry.