

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2471
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201103231626599053 论文字数:22312 所属栏目:动漫设计论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis



        3D Animated Short Film Art Research and Implementation

目   录
目   录 i
摘   要 I
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 本文的选题与研究背景 1
1.2 当前三位动画艺术短片的研究与发展 2
1.3 当前三维艺术动画短片的实现方法 3
1.4 本文的主要研究内容 4
1.5 本文组织结构 5
第2章  艺术动画短片的基本知识与流程 6
2.1.艺术动画短片的表现形式与类容 6
2.2艺术动画短片的发展现状及表现风格 7
2.3 小结 9
第3章 三维艺术动画短片的创作思路与实现方法 10
3.1  三维艺术动画短片的制作软件 10
3.1.1三维软件简介 10
3.1.2 主流后期合成软件简介 12
3.2 三维艺术短片制作的一般流程 12
3.3 三维艺术动画短片的创作思路 13
3.4三维艺术动画短片的实现方法 13
第4章原创动画短片《女孩的心愿》实现方案与制作流程分析 16
4.1 创作思路 16
4.2分析难点寻找解决方案 17
4.3作品创作流程分析 25
4.4存在的问题及下一阶段研究方向 38
第5章 总结和结论 40
主要参考文献 42
致 谢 44










The 1st Chapter Introduction 1
1.1 This Article's Subject Selection and Research Background 1
1.2 At present Three Short Animation Art research and Development 2
1.3 At present Three-dimensional Art Animation Short Film Implementation 3
1.4 Main Contents of This Article 4
1.5 This Organizational Structure 5
The 2nd Chapter Basic Knowledge of Art animation Short Films and Process 6
2.1 Animated Short Film Manifestation of Art and Class Capacity 6
2.2 Animated Short Film Arts Development Status and Performance Style 7
2.3 Summary 9
The 3rd Chapter The Creation of Three-dimensional Art Animation Short Films and Realization Method 10
3.1  System Requirements Analysis 10
3.1.1 About Three-dimensional Software 10
3.1.2 The Mainstream of Post-synthesis Software Introduction 12
3.2 The General Three-dimensional Art of Video Production Process 12
3.3 Three-dimensional Art of Creative Thinking Animated Short Film 13
3.4 3D Animated Short Film of the Implementation of the Arts 13
The 4th Chapter Original Animated Short Film "Girl's Wish" to Achieve the Program and the Production Flow Analysis 16
4.1 Creative Thinking 16
4.2 Analysis Difficult to Find a Solution 17
4.3 Creative Work Flow Analysis 25
4.4 Problems and the Next Stage of Research 38
The 5th  Chapter Summary and Conclusions 40
Main References 42
Thanks 44
摘   要
在难点1的解决上,主要是利用Poser进行角色模型创作, 结合MAYA软件的扩展贴图,联合实现了女孩模型和材质贴图。这样就充分利用了这2个软件的优点,回避了它们自身的缺点。在难点2的解决上,则应用了融合变形器,使Poser 6中输出的序列帧连成完整的动作,解决了Poser动作不能输出的难题。在难点3的解决上,则采用了JoeAlter Shave And A Haircut, Maya的毛发插件,它完美地仅解决了毛发难题。在难点4的解决上,则运用了Maya自带的画笔工具Paint Effects, 它轻松地实现了这一效果。在难点5的解决上,则采用曲线做群集动画的粒子特效功能。通过Create Curve Flow和Instancer工具实现了从花蕊飞出无数花灯向远处的群集粒子流动画。在难点6的解决上,则采用了Particle Illusion 3.0,一款快速生成三维粒子特效的二维软件。它制作出了优秀的超炫粒子效果,让人叹为观止。
Non-mainstream animation and three-dimensional art animation short films, there are similarities in form, but also makes a difference. In this paper, the basic three-dimensional art animation video production http://www.51lunwen.org/master_degree.htmlworkflow, and digital media software with associated production of a real animated short film "girl's wish."
    In this animated short film, I try to use three-dimensional style to show an illusory picture of aesthetic effect. In the animated short film http://www.51lunwen.org/master_degree.htmlproduction process, the authors make with their own unique ways to solve the three-dimensional animation production of the film in the six common ones difficult. They are: difficult one, girls models and tex