

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2471
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201103231626599053 论文字数:22312 所属栏目:动漫设计论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
tures achieved; difficult two girls action achieved; difficult three girls hair production and the real effects of the wind blowing achieved; difficult 4, Scene (the trees on the cliff , flowers, grass; and behind the trees and grass) is achieved; difficult 5, lantern exploded split again restored, flying from flower to the distant effects of numerous lantern achieved; difficulty 6, the final climax of part of the lantern light, and the increase in airflow to achieve.
    In the difficult one solution, the principal is to use Poser to create role models, combined with the expansion of mapping software, MAYA, the joint realization of the girls, models and texture mapping. This will make full use of these two software, the advantages of avoiding their own shortcomings. In the difficult two-solving, then the applied deformation fusion device, so that the output of Poser 6 in the sequence of frames together into a complete action, solving problems Poser action could not be exported. In the difficult three-solving, then used JoeAlter Shave And A Haircut, Maya's hair plug-in, it just perfect hair problems solved. In the difficult four-solving, then used the Maya's own brush tool Paint Effects, it is easy to achieve this effect. In the difficult five-solving, then the adoption curve to do the cluster particle effects animation feature. Through the Create Curve Flow and Instancer tools to achieve numerous lantern flying from flower to the distant cluster particle flow animation. In the difficult six-solving, then using Particle Illusion 3.0, a three-dimensional particle effects quickly generate two-dimensional software. It is to produce excellent stunning particle effects, amazing.
    After settlement of the above-mentioned difficulties, the art of animated short films finally realize the vision in the picture effect of aesthetic illusion. Its success for art animation short films and commercial animation creation, undoubtedly offers a bold new attempt!

Keywords: Three-dimensional animation; Art video; role; Modeling; Material; Production;

第1章 绪论
1.1 本文的选题与研究背景
60年代: 二维计算机辅助动画系统 ( MSGEN系统(加拿大),CAAS系统(美国))
70年代: 三维图形与动画的基本技术的开发;一小批领导三维动画与图像的公司的出现;一些三维可明暗着色的系统的完成;