

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:3238
论文价格:150元/篇 论文编号:lw200904141309288733 论文字数:6768 所属栏目:动漫设计论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:本科毕业论文 BA Thesis
目 录

摘要及关键词 2
引言 2
一中国动漫杂志面临的困境 3
(一)竞争日趋激烈 3
(二)动漫读者越来越少 3
(二)动漫市场正在萎缩 3
二 中国动漫杂志陷入困境的原因 4
(一)中国动漫杂志经营人在思想上有误区 4
(二)中国动漫产业整体水平低下 4
(二)动漫杂志本身内容上有缺陷 5
三 财政教育支出配置的差异是如何影响经济增长的 5
(一)要彻底改变动漫杂志经营的传统思想 5
(二)培养动漫创作人才、提高他们的创作水平 5
(三)加大对优秀作品的宣传力度 6
(四)动漫杂志要不断的创新 6
四 结语 7

Abstract :The animation magazine the time which leaves in our country is late, the development is also quite slow, from the first animation magazine "Picture Book Your majesty" to present's more than ten year development time, the Chinese animation magazine goes forward in the clash, the Chinese animation magazine has not appeared throughout looks like European and American and Japan's animation magazine such magnificent time, in the present animation magazine faced with this unprecedented difficult position, this article the difficult position which and the reason faces from the current animation magazine embarks, discusses the Chinese animation to go out the difficult position, moves toward the magnificent path..
keyword :Animation magazine;Difficult position;Outlet