
中国报纸在Web2.0时代如何应对新媒体的挑战How are Chinese newspapers responding to the challenges of new media in the age of Web2.0

日期:2018年01月29日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1483
论文价格:600元/篇 论文编号:lw201708142158261550 论文字数:23168 所属栏目:帮写thesis论文
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis

随着新媒体和数字技术的出现,特别是互联网的频繁使用,通信方式已经迅速发生变化。 因此,传统媒体行业的生态环境和组织结构发生了巨大的变化。 新媒体无疑也对中国报业的某些方面,如流通,广告收入和观众结构产生了深远的影响。 因此,中国的报纸需要改变与新媒体的竞争,适应新的情况 - Web2.0。
本论文介绍了中国报纸出版社在媒体生态转型期间为了生存所用和应该进行的策略和方法的研究。 主要结论是,新时期中国报业的发展,要强调媒体响应和全民传播的转型。
Along with the emergence of new media and digital technology, especially the frequent use of the Internet, methods of communication have been changed as a rapid speed. As a consequence, the ecologic environment and the organizational structure in some traditional media industries are changing dramatically. New media, undeniably, also exerts a profound influence on certain aspects of the Chinese newspaper industry, such as circulation, advertisement revenue and the audience structure. Therefore, newspapers in China need a change to compete with new media and to adapt to the new circumstance – Web2.0. 
This dissertation presents a study of the strategies and approaches that Chinese newspaper publishers used and should be carried out in order to survive during the period of media ecology transformation. The main conclusion is that media con-vergence and an omni-media transition should be emphasized in the development of Chinese newspaper industry in the new era. 

关键词:新媒体; 数字技术; 中国报刊出版社;Web2.0的; 媒体融合

Keywords: new media; digital technology; Chinese newspaper publishers; Web2.0; media convergence

1. Introduction介绍

在过去数十年间,媒体景观发生了巨大的转型(Mangold和Faulds,2009)。新媒体,特别是社交媒体,越来越多地占据了大部分市场份额,而不是传统媒体。根据新媒体营销布局的学术概括,我们可以粗略地认同:新媒体采用数字技术和网络技术,采用互联网,宽带局域网,无线通信网络和卫星频道的传播和通信方式,可以向客户提供音频,收音机和其他一些信息。During the past decades, the media landscape has experienced a tremendous trans-formation (Mangold and Faulds, 2009). New media, especially social media, are increasingly occupying the majority of market share instead of traditional media. According to academic generalization from the Camp and Layout of New Media, we can roughly identity that: new media makes use of digital technology and net-work technology through adopting the spread and communicate methods of Internet, broadband LAN, wireless communication network and satellite channels, which can provide  audio, radio and some other kinds of information to customers. Specifically, the conception of new media we discovered in our paper refers to a range of applications which merge the methods of traditional media such as newspaper, images and radio with digital technology in order to create interactive and dynamic publications, tools and uses. To a large extent, new forms of media contain some characters and features which have already applied in our life, for example virtual worlds, social media, and e-readers. Obviously, to be media, it should be equipped with three features: Firstly, it must belong to mass media. Secondly, it is a sort of electronic media supported by internet and  wireless communication technology. Thirdly, it is carrier to deliver information and content of video and radio.

New media, the biggest character is the application of Internet and mobile com-munication technology. The widely spread of Internet which is considered as the representative of forth generation of new media, and mobile communication tech-nology which is considered as the representative of fifth generation of new media, makes the individualization more possible and common in contemporary society. All kinds of new media forms are the comprehensive combination of traditional and new media.

Some survey indicated that the value of new media is still being defined as we be-gin to realize how this communication instruments interact with our life and work (Solis, 2010). It is changing the way information created and distributed through collaboration and sharing, and it is changing our understanding of traditional rela-tionships that exist between entities such as customers and suppliers of services and goods, newspapers and readers (see for example, Ingram, 2011). But the emergence of Web2.0 breaks the rule of this traditional game. Specifically, as an independent media form, t