
英国thesis:中国90后农民工组织行为研究Research on Organizational Behavior of the Post-90s Migrant Workers in China

日期:2018年02月05日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2055
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201707112208249305 论文字数:5547 所属栏目:帮写thesis论文
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
1.1The introduction of Organizational behavior组织行为的介绍

China is a country with developed agriculture and the population of China is also very large. With the year of 1990 coming by, the number of Chinese post-90s migrant workers increases more quickly. With the development of modern society, the post-90s migrant workers have different educational degree, colorful views on the World, dissimilar values and diverse growing environment. Due to these different factors, the organizational behaviors of the post-90s migrant workers are completely different from the old generations of migrant workers. 
The organizational behavior of human beings means the attitude to the world and the society, the working duties, the identities in organizations, the development of career, the communication with others and so on. 
The attitude towards the world and society is an important element of the organizational behavior. As there is an old saying “Attitudes decide everything”, I believe in this famous saying deeply. Under different time ground, the organizational behaviors of human beings, especially the migrant workers will experience great changes in the process. Different attitudes will lead to different results when the migrant workers come to urban areas to make a living. The wide range of the organizational behavior of migrant workers is complex and should be interpreted gradually with a long-term research and analysis. 
The working responsibility of migrant workers has also changed dramatically since the history entered the 1990s. The new generation of Chinese migrant workers has many aspects which are dissimilar from the first generation of migrant workers. The educational background of the post-90s’ migrant workers has advanced to some degree, so the job responsibility of the post-90s’ migrant workers increased as well. 
The organizational behavior attributes to the field of the management of human resources, which is just one part of the operational theory. Generally speaking, most human beings are not willing to work from the bottom of their hearts. This kind of psychology should be dealt with effective methods, or the negative attitude will damage the working efficiency of individual organizational behavior to a great degree. However, the good organizational behaviors can be learned and developed in the working process. It is not easy for an individual to behave himself all the time, but the proper organizational behaviors should be practiced and corrected in time to contribute to the development of the world much better.  
In conclusion, it is essential to interpret the Chinese post-90s migrant workers’ organizational behavior. Thus, with the understanding of the organizational behavior of the post-90s migrant workers in China and taking appropriate human resource measures are of great significance actually. In the end, it will benefit the future economy of China.
1.2The Migrant Workers in China
At present, the new generation of migrant workers has occupied the urban labor market, which has great importance on the development of the economy of China. The first generation of Chinese migrant workers has contributed to the society and economy of China to a great extent. The paper will discuss on the post-90s’ migrant workers in detail, which will enable people to know the migrant workers much more deeply. The better interpreting of the new generation of migrant workers can benefit the improvement of the society. Compared to the understanding of migrant workers described in the former researches, this paper will show the different aspects of the migrant workers, that is the organizational behavior