
英国thesis:中国90后农民工组织行为研究Research on Organizational Behavior of the Post-90s Migrant Workers in China

日期:2018年02月05日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2055
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201707112208249305 论文字数:5547 所属栏目:帮写thesis论文
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
with specific examples. The migrant workers leave from their hometowns and come to work in cities have much heavier pressure than urban individuals. Migrant workers aim to make a living in cities and support their families with their own hard work. It is not easy for migrant workers to struggle themselves in urban areas. The courage and intelligence play an important role in the process of earn one’s own living. 
The educational degree of the post-90s migrant workers has improved than the past. It is beneficial to the rapid development of society, such as the economy, the education and so on. The new generation of migrant workers want to get a job in urban areas, which means the main aim of the migrate workers is to embrace the life in the urban areas. Some of the post-90s’ migrant workers have better education and better organizational behaviors. The previous studies have provided great and wonderful materials to this thesis. The original data which is based on various interviews with Chinese migrant workers, bosses, managers, and the officials of the government has been employed to complete this study. As the rural-urban divide has existed for a long time period, the post-90s’ migrant workers also face a lot of old and new problems in the working process and daily lives. 
Migrant workers, especially the post-90s’ migrant workers have become a necessary factor in the Chinese urbanism. The development of society has stimulated the working passion of the migrant workers. The new generation of migrant workers is young and full of dreams, which can be the indispensable element of the development of society.
China has obtained good effects from the demographic dividend which is
China has benefited from the demographic dividend brought about by a large working-age population, combined with a declining youth dependency rate. But the country now faces a rapidly ageing population due to the low fertility rate resulting from the One Child Policy of the government.
1.3The objectives of the paper
Many experts have made detailed research on the Chinese migrant workers. Some of the experts are in China, and the others are in foreign countries. It is time to discuss the post-90s’ migrant workers much more detailed to deal with the study on the subject of the organizational behaviors. 
This thesis will expound the study the organizational behaviors of the post-90s’ migrant workers from five main aspects, which are responsibility, organizational identification, values, self-development and teamwork. As China has a large population, the number of migrant workers is also very large and the number ranks high in the world. Thus, whether the organizational behaviors of the migrant workers in China are good or bad, it has great impact on the glory of China. This paper will use the questionnaires and other effective methods to realize the objective of the thesis. The organizational behavior of post-90s migrant workers in China can be known from the managers.
This thesis has investigated the working values of the post-90s migrant workers. The data and the studying information have been gathered together from numerous interviews and questionnaires, which centers on the extrinsic values, the intrinsic values and the social values. It is significant to implement good influence on the values of migrant worker. 
This paper has also explored from the performance evaluation, employee training, compensation management, and the culture of organizations to