论文用途:职称论文 Thesis for Title
t “not until the Middle Ages did the English language, not Latin, become the language of learning and knowledge across Europe. In the 18th century, and even in the 1950s, English replaced French as the first language of international diplomacy”.(Barbara, A. Fennell, 2001: p267)<BR> Obviously, English is still the most widely used language in the world. David Crystal said the number of English speakers is “1,500 million”.( David Crystal, 2003: p69) English itself is not only a simple language. In some sense, it is a kind of social language. As a system of symbol, language itself is a kind of culture. Franz Boas points out that “culture determines language”,(Franz Boas, 1996: p150) and “language reflects the culture”.(Franz Boas, 1982: p631) The English language just reflects the culture, society, politics and even aspects of people's daily life not only in western countries, but also many oriental countries. English has become a global language, and there is great value studying a language like English. In the scope of the world, many scholars have been studying and researching this topic till now. <BR>Therefore, people may search whether English, as a language which is spoken by this large number of people, can still be the language most widely used in the future and what its influences on other languages will be, especially on Chinese.<BR>This paper falls into 3 parts: the 1st part is an introduction to the English language and a brief view of English in future; the 2nd part is mainly about the influence of English in China, its teaching in China and the question of the harmony of the English language and Chinese; the 3rd part of this paper is the conclusion that the trend of English is inevitable.</P>
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<P>Chapter 2 Literature Review<BR>As the worldwide use of English, it has become the world's focal point as a language and a culture. In China, as early as in June 1981, China has established China English Language Education Association which main objective is to promote teaching and learning activities home and abroad, to provide academic and information exchange for teaching staff, Applied Linguistics Organization and English Teaching Research Organizations. Subsequently, as many scholars study English in all aspects, the establishment of a variety of English research institutions shows that China puts much more attention on the English Language. Today, English has become part of our daily lives, and in the next period of time, English will still be the world's and China's hot topic.<BR>English was known as “world language” has become an indisputable fact. Now, the number of English speaker is “1,500 million”. About “450 million” people regard English as their first language and “350 million” people use English as their second language. (David Crystal, 2003: p69) Franz Boas once pointed out that culture determines language, and language reflects the culture. Thus the study of English culture is essential for the study of English language. English is a global language, not only because it is convenient, but also because people need a global language to communicate. In the scope of the world, many scholars have been studying and researching this topic till now. <BR>By quoting some famous scholars' words and some of their research achievements, this paper aims to give the conclusion that the trend of English is inevitable from certain aspects.</P>
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<P><BR>Chapter 3 Developed for Centuries, English has Become a World Language. An