论文用途:职称论文 Thesis for Title
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<P>3.2 Research problem and hypothesis.</P>
<P>(Explain which dilemma/problem/anomaly renders the subject worthy of research, as well as the stance you intend to take in respect of it. approximately 100 words)<BR>The financing problem is a mutual problem that SMEs around the world face. The main issues regarding SME financing internationally are the following: financial institutions assess SMEs as being inherently high-risk borrowers owing to their low capitalization and limited assets, vulnerability to market fluctuations and high mortality rates.<BR>While large firms comply to a large extent with high standards of disclosure requirements, most SMEs do not. Information asymmetry arising from SMEs’ lack of accounting records, inadequate financial statements or business plans makes it difficult for creditors and investors to assess the credit-worthiness of potential SME proposals.<BR>Besides, the significant administrative and transactions costs associated with lending or investing small amounts do not make SME financing a profitable business for private commercial banks. <BR>Chinese SMEs do present the problems above; however, SMEs in China have their own constraints and are still facing many financial difficulties due to various reasons, such as lagging in the banking system, an inadequate financial structure, lack of a credit guarantee system, weak financial institutions and inadequate public infrastructure.</P>
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<P><BR>3.3 Research design and methodology<BR>(Provide a brief exposition of the design and arrangement of your study, clearly explaining its methodology, composition and expected course. Indicate which scientific method you intend to use and explain how it will further the realisation of the objective of the study as expounded in 3.1.Approximately 300 words) <BR>Research design<BR>The study is organized into six chapters. The chapters consist of three sections: introduction, empirical analysis, and the conclusion section of the study. The chapters are structured as follows:<BR>The first chapter introduces the realistic significance of research on SMEs access to finance; the chapter highlights the research problem and objectives of the study. The second chapter introduces sources of financing available to SME’s. Chapter three focuses on main financing difficulties that SMEs are facing on an international basis. Chapter four is devoted to explore SMEs’ difficult access to finance in the Chinese context, as identifying and analyzing these problems are the main objective of the study. Chapter five will be the research approach utilized in conducting the study. Chapter six presents the conclusion of the entire study with results from empirical analysis, and recommendations for SMEs in Liaoning province of China regarding to access to debt finance.<BR>Methodology<BR>This study will use secondary data, such as those in published and unpublished reports, article