The Ba’ath party’s platform is based on Arab unity. The Israel-Palestine situation has been used often in the Arab League as a way to help promote a common Arab cause. Therefore the Ba’ath Party supported the Palestinian refugees as a way to help promote Arab unity domestically, regionally, and internationally.
Palestinians in Iraq Post-Saddam Hussein Regime
Life for Palestinian refugees has changed drastically since the US led invasion of Iraq in 2003. When the Saddam Hussein regime fell so did all the services many Palestinian refugees depended on for survival. Iraqi landlords, who were resentful of being forced to subsidize housing for Palestinian refugees, evicted the Palestinians almost immediately. All access to travel documents, education, the right to work, and other government services ceased. Palestinian refugees were now forced to have residency permits, something that was not required previously. The access to these residency permits is difficult. They must be renewed every two months and the renewal process can take several days to almost a month. Also, all family members must be present. Palestinians can be arrested if they are found to be without residency permits, particularly in the checkpoints in Baghdad.
Violence in Iraq
Violence in Iraq has exploded since the invasion. Palestinians have been targets of this violence due to the large amount of resentment Iraqis have to Palestinians. Palestinians enjoyed many services that other Iraqis were unable to enjoy. Iraqis are also angered at Palestinians due to their assumed relationship with the Ba’ath party.
Palestinians have been targets for arrests, torture, and murders. There has also been speculation by the UNCHR about possible attacks carried with the knowledge of assistance from Iraqi Security Forces. [2]
Things escalated in May 2005 there was a bombing at the al-Jadida and in February 200g with a bombing of a Shi’a shrine the al-Askariyya Mosque. In 2005 there was a tape and televised confession of Palestinians. However, the Palestinians showed obvious signs of beating and torture, which questions the validity of the confessions. The bombing in 2006 brought a new level of sectarian violence. Both bombings brought a greater amount of anger and distrust among the Iraqis and Palestinians.
Previous and Current Policy Responses and Literature
1951 Convention and 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees
The 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees is an international doctrine gr