Subsequently, the trials selected for inclusion in this review do not provide high-quality evidence to inform clinical practice in relation to the use of acupuncture for the management of hypertension. The findings of this review must be applied in consideration of this limitation.
Based on the review’s findings, two evidence-based recommendations have been developed:
For nursing practice: Nurses may recommend, provide education on and (where they are trained and qualified to do so) administer acupuncture to patients with hypertension who choose to use acupuncture. Nurses should ensure patients understand that although acupuncture may not necessarily have an effect on their hypertension, it is unlikely to cause them harm.
For future research: Additional research on acupuncture for hypertension is essential to further informing evidence-based practice in relation to this topic. In particular, research must be conducted to determine the effects of acupuncture in combination with anti-hypertensive medication, the effects of continuous/ongoing versus block acupuncture sessions, and the effects of other types of acupuncture (e.g. laser acupuncture, electro-acupuncture, warm needling, etc.) on hypertension. This research should consider the methodological limitations noted above. Randomised controlled trials and other research methodologies should be used.
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