

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑:ad200901081555315985 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1028
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201604032302052522 论文字数:8656 所属栏目:帮写dissertation论文
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis

Chapter 1 Introduction to Destination Marketing Organisations第1章目的地营销组织介绍

大多数的旅游活动发生在目的地,所以目的地形成一个支柱在任何造型的旅游“系统”(如Leiper 1979)。甚至有人认为,目的地已经成为“旅游的基本单位”(世贸组织2002)。
旅客现在选择的目的地被宠坏了,必须争夺市场关注混乱的替代产品的信息以及竞争对手的地区。作为他们的标题表明,目的地营销组织(DMOS)所关注的地方销售,一个研究领域,最近才吸引了大量的研究关注。由于突出的地方,目的地旅游系统中令人吃惊的是已经有一些文本,日期都集中在DMOS的操作。旅游已经在一个有组织的形式,至少自上世纪第十九年代末,和大部分时间刮了DMO旅游全世界发展的积极的作用。然而,文本有关目的地的规划,营销和管理只出现在认真自上世纪90年代。贡献包括:旅游规划与管理(戈弗雷&克拉克2000;Howie 2003;法律1995;Lickorish 1992;WTO 1994),旅游目的地城市(1995页),“旅游组织的个案研究”(皮尔斯1992),目的地营销(阿什沃思和古德1990a;古德和阿什沃思1990;健康与墙1992;nykiel和jascolt Wahab等人1998。1976),地方推广(阿什沃思& voogd 1990;黄金1994病房),目的地品牌(摩根等人。2002)(贝鲁门,和目的地营销危机2003a)。

In higher education it is important that the sometimes unfashionable public sector is included in programs. This allows students to gain an understanding of the roles and structures of tourism organizations at all levels . . . what is critical is that students have a thorough understanding of issues of globalization, the public and private sector structures and policies that are in place to both capitalize and protect nations from its effects, and are equipped to enter the work force at a senior level ‘surprise free’ in terms of such issues (Fayos-Sol′a 2002).
Most tourism activities take place at destinations, and so the destination forms a pillar in any modelling of the tourism “system” (e.g. Leiper 1979). It has even been suggested that destinations have emerged as “the fundamental unit of analysis in tourism” (WTO 2002).
Travellers are now spoilt for choice of destinations, which must compete for attention in a market place cluttered with the messages of substitute products as well as rival regions. As their title clearly indicates, destination marketing organisations (DMOs) are concerned with the selling of places, a field of study that has only relatively recently attracted significant research attention. Given the prominent place of destinations in the tourism system it is surprising there have been few texts to date that have focused on the operations of DMOs.Tourism has been around, in an organised form at least, since the late 19th century, and for most of that timeDMOshave played an active role in the development of tourismworldwide. However, texts concerned with destination planning, marketing and management have only emerged in earnest since the 1990s. Contributions have included: destination planning and management (Godfrey & Clarke 2000; Howie 2003; Laws 1995; Lickorish 1992; WTO 1994), urban destinations (Page 1995), case studies of “tourist organizations” (Pearce 1992), destination marketing (Ashworth & Goodall 1990a; Goodall & Ashworth 1990; Heath & Wall 1992; Nykiel&Jascolt 1998;Wahab et al. 1976), the promotion of places (Ashworth& Voogd 1990; Gold&Ward 1994), destination branding (Morgan et al. 2002), and destination crisis marketing (Beirman 2003a).
A growing number of academic conferences have also featured the destination marketing theme in recent years. In 1990 the topic of the third international tourismworkshop organised by the Geographical Institutes of the University of Groningen and the University of Reading was “selling” tourism destinations (Ashworth & Goodall 1990). The 1993 Association Internationale d’Experts Scientific du Tourisme (AIEST) conference addressed the issue

2 Destination Marketing Organisations

of the competitiveness of long haul destinations (Ritchie & Crouch 2000a). In 1996 the Fundacion Cavanilles for Advanced Studies in Tourism organised the Second International Forum on Tourism, themed “the future of traditional tourist destinations” (Buhalis&Cooper 1998). In 1998 the 48th Congress of the International Association of Scientif