

日期:2018年02月04日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1289
论文价格:650元/篇 论文编号:lw201706132255212614 论文字数:182457 所属栏目:城市规划论文
论文地区: 论文语种:中文 论文用途:博士毕业论文 Docotor Thesis
摘  要




Chineses cites in the procees of rapid urbanization need rapid design so as to meet the needs of the actual construction, but illusions may emerge if being immersed in the current problems. Urban grid is the framework of cities, which make up material basis of cities. High costs and  transformation difficulty make the design of urban grid being treated very carefully.
Adaptive of Urban grid is essentially through environmental reconstructionto meet human demand , is a process of active cultural adjustment. Cities are restricted by space-time, urban space is subjected to specific region and times. Urban space apative measures are put forward through reaserching the adaptive concept and mechanism .
The five element theory integares five elements into acomplete system according to relations of generation and restriction. As a kind of cultural representations apative grid is relevance to politics,society, ecology and economy. Thus, urban grid has different forms in differnt stages for different principal contradiction. On the other hand, culture has inherit which shows differences between urban grid in China and the West .
Unban grid wnich has many types is composed by only 2 elements, line and grid. Historically, basic prototypes of urban grid included four kinds, four-rectangle-grid, nine-rectangle-grid,  Hippodamus grid and functional grid. The scale of urban grids is a result of comprenhensive function of various factors such as buildings, outer environment, population density, cultural habits,economic development. From the perspective of abstraction urban grids can be produced by proliferation and subdividing, and In a specific environment they are decided by endogenic forces and exogenic forces. Studies on apative urban grids need technical supports,such as Figure-ground theory, Linkage Theory, Geographical identification technology and computer technology.
The design of adaptive urban grid needs certain methods which is summarized to six kinds:  stratification, interchange, separation and reunion, double grids, cllage and function replacement.
key words:  adaptation,  urban grid,  Five-in-One,  type, prototype,  generation mechanism,  design methods
目  录
摘  要 I
Abstact II
插图索引 VI
附表索引 IX
第1章  绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.1.1 快速城市化对理论的需求 1
1.1.2 可持续理念的认同 1
1.2 国内外研究综述 1
1.2.1 国外研究进展 1
1.2.2 国内研究进展 3
1.2.3 研究述评 6
1.3 研究意义 8
1.4 主要研究内容 9
1.5 主要研究方法 9
1.6 研究框架 9
第2章  适应性理论研究 11
2.1 基本概念 11
2.2 适应性机制及获取途径 13
2.3适应性形式及特征 15
2.4 人与环境系统的互适 19
2.5 城市的时空局限 20
2.6城市空间适应性的测度 26
第3章  适应性的城市格网 30
3.1 五位一体与城市格网 30
3.2城市格网与文化 34
3.2.1文明与文化 34
3.2.2中西文化异同及格网形态 36
3.2.3中西建筑文化与城市格网 38
3.2.3中国传统文化与格网形态 42
3.2.4传统格网象征性的解体 47
3.2.5当代中国文化与格网建构 49
3.3 城市格网与生态 60
3.3.1生态系统的特征和作用机制 61
3.3.2城市生态环境的特殊性 63
3.3.3城市扩展的方式与自然的关系 64
3.3.4城市格网的地形适应性 66
3.3.5生态适应性的城市格网设计 69
3.4 城市格网与经济条件相适应 90
3.4.1紧缩城市与单元格扩展 90
3.4.2经济全球化与普遍格网 92
3.4.3城市格网的中心与边缘 94
3.4.4 城市更新与格网完整性 96
3.5城市格网与社会 100
3.5.1闾里制、里坊制与街巷制 101
3.5.2铁路城镇与新城市主义格网 109
3.5.3 城市格网的简明性与生态反馈 112
3.5.4 城市管理与城市格网层次性 113
3.6与市政管理相适应 115
3.6.1 城市生活的社会化程度与城市格网的覆盖面 116
3.6.2作为触媒的城市格网 118
3.6.3 城市格网的尺度与模糊性 120
3.6.4 粗放格网与城市文化分异 121
3.6.5 城市格网的拼贴与城市管理 122
第4章  适应性城市格网设计理论 131
4.1 城市格网主