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中小企业发展面临的挑战 Challenges for Development of SMEs

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1579
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201710271501168365 论文字数:2000 所属栏目:MBA Essay
论文地区:美国 论文语种:English 论文用途:代写essay essay

Table of Contents (Jump to)

1. Background
2. Objectives
3. Structure of the Report
4. Methodology

1. Background
There is a growing recognition among policymakers across the globe that small and medium enterprises (SMEs) have a significant role to play in enhancing economic growth, contributing to economic diversification and employment,alleviating poverty and reducing inequality. SMEs create jobs and foster growth, contribute to political stability and make a significant dent on poverty. While finance is not the only input for development of SMEs, it continue to be a critical contribution for SMEs development.

Despite the growing body of knowledge about SMEs and SMEs finance, there remainsa significant gap in the literature on how to create a competitive business, regulatory environment and growth of the SMEs and SMEs finance.In this context, the Islamic Research and Training Institute (IRTI) andWorld Bank Global Islamic Finance Development Center (WBG),in line with the respective mandates, proposed to undertakea joint study leading to a flagship report on SMEsand SMEs Finance.

2. Objectives
The proposed study will seek to develop a flagship report on SMEs and SMEs finance. The report will highlight the obstacles faced by SMEs and SMEs financing and provide new insights to overcome those constraints to SMEs development. The report will examine these issues in selected member countriesand provide policy recommendations. Thetarget audience for this report comprisesof stakeholders inmembers and non-memberscountries including Islamic financial institutions, as well as conventional financial institutions, regulators, policymakers, SMEsassociations, multilateral institutions, academiaand standard-setters in both the World Bank and Islamic Development Bank.The report will also contribute to the policy debate through the discussion of a series of strategic recommendations provided in the report.

The specific objectives of the report are as follow:

To examines how regulators perceive thedevelopment of SMEs and SMEs finance i.e. the drivers and obstacles pertaining to SMEs regulation and financing;
To provide new insights and identify actions that could be undertaken by authorities and other relevant policy makers to improve SMEs access to finance.
3. Structure of the Report
TheSMEs Report will have an overview, four main chapters and a statistical Appendix. Chapter 1 will provide a systematic review of the regulations that governs SMEs and SMEs Islamic financing in selected countries mainly in the GCC countries and leading countries in Islamic finance. Chapter 2, 3, 4 and 5 will provide new insights on SMEs development and improve SMEs access to finance.


Objectives and Contents

1. Introduction

Challenges faced by SMEs vary across countries due to differences in the level of development, degree of human development, efficiencyof governance, and the political situation in the respective countries.The biggest challenge, however, is access to finance. SMEs at various stages of development face severe challenges when accessing finance. Concerns include prohibitive interest rates, high collateral rates, and procedural hurdles in applying for a loan.

In addition, among the main factors affecting bank financing for SMEs, are the macroeconomic environment, the legal and regulatory framework, the state of the financial sector infrastructure, bank-internal limitations in terms of capacity and technology, and SMEs specific factors, particularly the SMEs landscape in terms of number, size, and focus of operation, as well as the opaqueness of information.

This chapter will provide the motivation, structure and background of the paper. The chapter will also include the summary of the main findin