

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1437
论文价格:100元/篇 论文编号:lw201104071445359605 论文字数:10376 所属栏目:服装设计论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:本科毕业论文 BA Thesis

随着时代的进步和科学技术的发展,人们的生活条件和审美情趣都有了很多变化。起源于我国的扎染技艺流传至今,已有两千多年的历史。它是我国文化遗产中的瑰论文帮写宝,并在现实生活中越来越显示出独特的魅力和活力。这说明这种古老的艺术有着顽强的生命力和艺术感染力,很值得我们去挖掘,整理。但是这门传统的技法也有其局限性,需要我们去研究,去创新,使其焕发新活力,保持永恒的魅力。因此作为一个服装设计专业的学生,有责任将这项流传于民间的民族艺术继承下来,发扬光大,并使之走向世界。而且随着回归自然,推行环保,崇尚质朴之风日益流行,手工制作, 清新、朴实、风格朴素的扎染服装受到人们的喜爱,扮演着越来越重要的角色。
本文通过对民族服饰的实地考察以及对“扎染”这一民间工艺的深入了解, 在保留民族文化精髓的基础上,吸取传统的、民间的养分,以东方之“态”与西方之“形”相结合进行设计,演绎出具有中国特色的服饰文化。我的毕业设计《融合》中重点针对传统的扎染工艺在现代服装的再创造作进行了的详细的论述。


With the advantage of times and the development of science techonolegy,people's living condition and aetthetic appreciation has changed a lot.The tie dyeing craft,which was born in china and has two thousands history,is the treasure of iherit cutural in china,which become more and more charming and living now.This suggested that the bandhnu craft,the old art, has stubborn vitality and art appeal,which needed to excauate and arrange.But this traditional craft has limitation,which needed us to study,create,coruslate and keep them http://www.51lunwen.org/perpetuity glamer.As a fashion design student, I have the resposibility inherit this national art and develop this craft,work out it to the world.Along with the popular trend of back to the natrue,protecting the enviroment and advocating modesty,the tie dyeing clothes,which are comeliness,simple,austerity and made by hands,are honorable by the peple and play an important role.
This article,distract the research exprience of myself to the national fashion and "bandhnu" .It hhelp me to realize this folk craft deeply.The tie dyeing, keeping the basic sour of national cutural,attracted the nutrient of tradition and folk,and merged the design between the state of east and the shape of the west,addressed the special charactristic fashion cutural of china.The "Amalgamation",my graduated  design made adetail discussion to the re-creation of this traditional craft in modern fashion.
Key words:tie dyeing;national fusion; recreation;modelling



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    ISBN书号: 7506419386